Quiet || 10

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A part of this chapter may trigger people. I will mark (•••) where it starts and ends.

Im not sure that it will be disturbing but this is a warning for readers who are sensitive.

              Brianna's POV:

My actions are robotic as I get out of bed. Walking to get my clothes out, my mind keeps flashing last nights events.

I lay in bed sighing as my stomach grumbles loudly.

Deciding on getting something to eat, I leave me room since I doubt my mom would be awake at one in the morning.

I tiptoe down the stairs, skipping the last step to not make a creaking sound and make my way into the kitchen.

A small smile makes it's way onto my face. The kitchen; the place I cannot live without.

I sigh dreamily before walking over to the fridge and opening it. Mom was right, she did make my favourite: pasta, and rice pudding for dessert.

My hands reach out for the pudding first as I grab it and bring it to the island. Grabbing a bowl and spoon, I begin pouring the pudding, my mouth watering at the sight of the dessert in front of me.

Just as I am about to take a spoonful, two hands trap me as they are placed on either sides of me.

What the hell?

I freeze when the person behind me buries their into my neck, taking a deep breath as shivers run down my spine and not in the good way.

A sudden yelp escapes my mouth as my hair is pulled backwards and the person behind me brings their mouth to my ear.

Their breath tickles me and I close my eyes as tears start to form.

"Such a naughty girl." My heart beats faster when I recognise that voice.

"Let go of me, Darren." I whisper, screwing my eyes shut tighter as he begins to suck on my earlobe.

"I'll say this once and if I have to say it again, I will punish you." What the fuck? Does he think this will turn me on? "Tell your mother about this again and I won't hesitate to take you on the spot."

I attempt a nod as a tear glides down my temple.

"That's a good girl." He leaves a final kiss on my neck before letting go of my hair and leaving me frozen in the kitchen. As soon as he leaves, I feel like I can finally breathe again.

Holding my hand up to my mouth, I bend down, trying to quieten my sobs.

I don't like this. I don't want this.
I want my family back to how it was. I want to argue with Ashton for fun because I know it'll make me laugh. I don't want Daren in my life.

I stand up, wiping my tears. I grab the food and place it back in the fridge, I don't feel hungry anymore.

Deciding on jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt, I leave my room. I didn't want to show skin, especially after what happened last night even if it meant that I had to deal with the heat.

My mind is in a different place as I make my way to the kitchen, sitting down on a stool as my mom places a bowl of cereal in front of me.

"I'm not hungry." I say, pushing the bowl away from me. However, I instantly regret it when my eyes meet my mom's.

Her eyes were bloodshot and she had dark circles underneath her eyes.

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