Home late || 14

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"Excuse me, lady. I don't think you should be here." I hear a deep voice say from behind me.

I turn around to see a bulky man with a lady by his side, kissing his neck. He looked a bit like a guard: he was bald with tattoos on his neck and arms.

He looks at me expectantly and I realise he's waiting for an answer.

"Oh. I came here with my...friend. I'm just waiting for him so we can leave." I say.

He looks me up and down. But not in a way as if he wanted to be intimate with me, more like he was judging me. Which in my opinion seems a lot ruder.

"No offence, lady, but you don't look like you have any friends." He says and I gasp as the girl on him chuckles and continues touching his arm and chest.

"Excuse me. I'll have you know I have many friends—"

"Your imagination doesn't count." The guy interrupts and I narrow my eyes at him.

He rolls his eyes before turning to the girl and pecking her on the lips. "Go to my car, baby. I'll be there in a bit." He says and as she walks away, he slaps her ass and she squeals, laughing.

I cringe. I'm third-wheeling so hard right now.

He turns to me, the smile on his face completely vanishing. "Leave or I'll escort you out." He takes a step forward and I quickly move back.

"No no. I told you I came here with a friend. I promise, just let me find him and I'll leave."

"You're not wearing any shoes and you're wearing a guys shirt. I have so many reasons to believe you don't have any friends." He folds his arms, staring down at me. And it's not my fault I left in a rush. If I didn't come, then I wouldn't know about this place, meaning that I wouldn't be able to use it against Ashton to get whatever I want.

I look around the crowd and spot William. He is the quietest so I doubt he'll tell Ashton. I quickly point to him. "That guy is my friend." I say and bulky man turns to look at him before raising a brow at me.

"No he's not." He deadpans and my mouth hangs slightly.

"Yes he is—"

"What's his name." He asks, clearly bored.

"William." I say confidently.


"What? His name is—" I'm interrupted by bulky man.

"Luis. His name is Luis." He grabs onto my upper arm and pulls me away from the car we came in.

I plant my feet to the ground in an attempt to stop him. "Wait, wait. I can prove it. Let me talk to him." The words come out quickly and I'm surprised he even understands what I said.

He looks at William before turning back to me. "If you're Luis' plus one, you can stay." He let's go, folding his arms.

"I'm not his plus one." I scoff. "I'm his sister."

He gives me a look telling me he knows I'm lying so I think of something else.

"I'm Ashton's plus one."

"Who?" He asks. Is he serious?

I sigh. "Just let me talk to William." I say, walking away from bulky man and to William.

He's leaning against a red Ferrari with a blonde haired girl attached to his side, practically eating her faces. There's another brunette on his other side, kissing his neck as he runs his hand up and down her side.

I would never think William would do this.

I walk up to him and awkwardly stand there as they kiss. Looking back, I see bulky man smiling at me as if he won something, so I clear my throat and poke Williams's shoulder.

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