Wax prank || 03

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I open my eyes in anger, staring at the ceiling.

My mind was awake thinking of a way to get back at Ashton. So far, I had thought about putting raw rice in his bed but I didn't want to be wasting food.

I could suffocate him with my heart pillow...

"Knock knock." My head turns towards the door as mum enters.

"Can we talk?" She asks and I nod my head. Diana and Ashton had left a few hours ago and I was left to deal with the massive headache that followed with Ashton's stupid actions.

I sit up as she comes and takes a seat next to me.

"What's up?" I ask, propping my pillow to lean my back against the headboard.

"I have special news for you." She smiles and I can't help the way my lips also curl up. I love seeing my mum happy.

"What is it? Am I getting a kitten?" I ask, playfully.

She chuckles before answering. "No no, I..umm..know how you've wanted me to start dating again and I'm happy to tell you that there is a man..."

I gasp in 'excitement'. After what I heard, I wasn't exactly looking for another person to enter our family.

"Really?! When do we get to meet him?" I squeal and mum laughs at my happiness.

But I can't help the feeling of guilt that tugs at my heart. I wasn't excited to have a father now but seeing my mum happy was all that I wanted.

"Tomorrow. His name is Darren and he's a total sweetheart." She smiles, staring off at the wall.

I fake gag. What kind of name is Darren? I don't have a good feeling about this guy but as long as mum is happy, I don't care.

She laughs before kissing my forehead. "Get some sleep, you have school tomorrow." She says and I groan.

"Why did you remind me?" I close my eyes and lean my head against the headboard when a rush of pain hits my head.

Mum rolls her eyes before standing up and walking to my door. "Goodnight, Brianna. And go to sleep, don't read one of your books because you won't be able to wake up in the morning."

I nod and just as she is about to leave, I stop her. "Wait mum..."

She hums a 'yes'.

"Do we still have those wax strips?"

She turns and places her hand on her hip. "What for?" I watch her eyes take a quick glimpse at Ashton's room before she tilts her head at me.

"I want to wax my legs...because I want to wear a skirt and...I need to wax my legs." I say, smiling innocently at her.

"I don't know how you'll fit that into your schedule since you wake up at 8 but you do you. The wax strips are downstairs in the cupboard where I keep all the medical things." She nods at me before walking out.

Okay, all I have to do now is grab those wax strips, wait for Ashton to fall asleep and carry out my revenge, all while my head feels as if someone is hammering it with a tree.

That doesn't make sense. I gasp. Do I have a concussion?

I shake my head at the ridiculous thought. I walk downstairs and quickly take a few wax strips before walking up to my room.

I look out my window. Ashton's curtains were open but he wasn't in his room...or was he?

Only one way to find out.

I open my window and climb out, standing on the balcony. I swing my legs over my balcony and jump onto his before sighing out loud.

That's enough exercise for one day.

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