Princess || 26

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I wake up to scribbling sounds coming from the corner of my room.

What the heck?

I open my eyes with difficulty, sitting up to see Ashton by my desk with the lamp on as he scribbles some things down on a piece of paper.

"What are you doing?" I ask, whispering as it is still dark outside.

I see Ashton's body stiffen before he turns his head slightly to face me.

"I wasn't tired." He mumbles back.

I grab my phone to look at the time—5:13am.

I move to get off the bed and walk over to him to see what he is doing.

My head cocks to the side as I take the paper, studying it. It was the maths questions I had given him yesterday, they were all completed and surprisingly, they were all correct.

"I thought you were bad at maths." I say, genuinely confused.

"No, I understand foundation topics, I'm not the best at higher." He replies and my brows furrow.

"You're literally in set 7, you're doing foundation maths." I state as he shrugs his shoulders.

"Actually, I'm supposed to be in set 3. My teacher gave me a higher paper to try and I was three marks off from passing." He mumbles, playing with the pencil in his hand.

"It was that stupid simultaneous question." He adds quietly and everything clicks into place.

"You're supposed to be in my class." I realise and he nods, confirming my assumption.

"There wasn't any space in the other classes so I'm stuck in set 7 until we start school again." He says.

"Poor you." I mumble as he looks up to glare at me. I give him an innocent smile in return.

He suddenly stands up, towering over me.

"Go back to sleep." He says, walking to my balcony and I stop him before he can leave.

"Wait, don't leave me in the dark." I say and I hear him sigh.

"I have to go. Just go back to sleep."

"Can you at least stay with me until I fall asleep?" I ask and I see him roll his eyes when he turns around.

He walks to my bed, pulling the duvet up.

I stay in my spot until he looks at me, shaking the duvet a little.

"Get in then." He says and I jog towards the bed, laying down as he pulls the duvet over me. "Go to sleep, I'm right here."

My eyes close but I'm not tired. I sigh, quietly. "How am I supposed to know your here if I can't see you?"

"I'm literally next to you, just sleep."

"Yeah, but—"

I'm interrupted when I feel him grab onto my hand, placing it on my stomach.

"I'll hold your hand so you know I'm here. Now shut up and sleep." He mutters and I have to stop a smile from stretching my face.

"Okay." I whisper, tightening my hand around his.

                     •     •     •

"Hey babes." Kai's voice rings through my phone.

"What?" I ask whilst looking in the mirror, deciding between two outfits.

I was going to babysit my eight year old cousin today. Her name was Layla and she was going to come at around four.

"Are you free?" Kai asks.

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