Friends || 35

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I wipe my nose with a tissue as Olivia rubs my back. I called her over because nor kai or William were answering my calls and I didn't know what to do.

"I just feel so bad." I cry, sniffling as Olivia pulls my head to rest on her shoulder.

"It's not your fault—"

"Yes it is." I argue. "I was so blind by the love and attention I got from Nathaniel that I didn't think how it would make Ashton feel."

"Brie, you can't blame yourself for this. You know that Ashton always hated his father for the way he treated Diana." I take another tissue, rubbing under my eyes as tears continuously fall.

"But he said I stole his dad from him. I feel so selfish."

"People say things out of anger. He probably didn't mean it." I pull away from her, shaking my head.
Olivia stands up, sighing and placing her hands on her hips.

"I refuse to sit here and watch you cry over a guy you've hated almost all your life. You're Brianna, for goodness sake. You never cry over a guy." She sighs again, reaching for my hands to pull me up.

"What're you doing?"

"You're having a sleepover at my house. The further you are from that toad, the better you'll feel." She says, side eyeing Ashton's room.

I rub my eyes, sniffling again. Everything hurts. My finger, my stomach, my eyes. Heck, even my head hurts from crying so much.

"I don't want to leave my house." I say, turning around and crawling onto my bed only to pushed off by Olivia.

"Get up and wash your face. I'll be waiting outside for you and forget about your night clothes, you can wear mine." She says, walking out of my room.

I sigh, slowly getting up and grudgingly walking to the bathroom with half closed eyes. I make it to the sink and wash my face with cold water, cleaning my tear stained face. I grab a towel and pat my cheeks and forehead, drying it of the water before making my way downstairs to hear noises coming from the kitchen.

Olivia stands by the counter with a plastic cup filled with water in front of her and a bottle of squash in her hand.

"What are you doing?" I ask, my voice coming out raspy.

"I want squash. Do you want some?" I shake my head as she shrugs. "Wait outside for me. I'll be there in two seconds." She says, opening the lid of the bottle.

I turn around, making my way outside as the hot sun blinds my already stinging eyes. This isn't helping my headache.

I suddenly look up when I hear a familiar voice speaking close by. I see Kai on the phone as he leans against the side of Ashton's house. He immediately looks away when he sees me standing close to him.

Finding it weird, I walk up to him just as he finishes the phone call.

"Hey Kai—"

"Sorry, Brianna, I need to get going." He slips past me, walking to go inside Ashton's house. I purse my lips together, making my way to Olivia as she exits holding the plastic cup.

"Now I'm ready." She mumbles, walking closer to me before linking our arms and leading me away from my house. "My parents won't be home until nine so we can do pretty much anything for the next three hours." She says and I nod, absentmindedly.

I turn my head back to see Ashton, William and Kai walk out of the house. I make eye contact with Kai but like last time, he quickly looks away again.

I turn around focusing my attention on Olivia as she continues blabbering about something. "...and lastly, we can watch a movie." She says.

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