Dinner with Darren || 06

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It's silent.

Ashton and I sit on the sofa as mum and Diana stand over us.

"Tell me once again why you had to result in violence." Mum says, placing her hands on her hips.

It may or may not have slipped out my mouth that I had hit my head on the floor.

"Well it's quite silly actually." I laugh nervously, glancing at Ashton to help me.

"And stupid." He says, looking at me. Is he inferring that I'm stupid?

"And idiotic." I say, looking him up and down. Yeah bitch, you're idiotic.

"We wouldn't be in this mess if you had just kept your annoying mouth shut." He says and a faint voice reminds me of why all mum's date never stay.

"Free will, bitch. I can do whatever I want." I cross my arms.

He scoffs.

"Okay, how about you start from the beginning on how this all happened?" Diana says as both mothers take a seat on the other sofa.

I sigh, facing them.


"Don't touch that." I grit out for the hundredth time.

"Or what?" He asks, throwing my eyeliner at me. I dodge it and glare at him.

"What the ef is wrong with you? Don't you know not to throw things at people? You're almost 17 Ashton, your not a baby anymore." I say calmly, taking a seat on my bed.

"Your room is too girly. Like what the fuck is this?" He shouts, picking up pink pencil. "See, too fucking girly."

I stand up and walk over to him, gently taking my pencil out of his hands.

"I'll say it again, Ashton. Don't touch my things, okay?" I smile.

"Don't tell me what to do, you skank." He yells, pushing my shoulders as I fall backwards, hitting my head on the floor.

"You expect us to believe that, Brianna?" Mum asks, raising a brow.


I watch both mum and Diana share a look. "Brianna, he doesn't say skank—" She sighs, giving up. "Ashton?"

"I'll tell you what really happened..." he smirks.

"What's this?" I ask, picking up an eyeliner to which I'm met with a smack on the head.

"Don't touch my things, bitch." Brianna snarls, snatching the eyeliner out of my hand.

"Calm down." I say, holding my hands up in surrender. "I'll just take a seat here." I say, sitting on her bed.

She growls before charging at me. "Get off my bed!" She screams, jumping onto me like a wild animal.

I dodge her body flying at me and she falls, hitting her head on the floor.

I go to check on her. "Are you okay?" I ask and she starts dramatically crying.

"You did this to me!" She points a finger at me.

We're all staring at him with the 'are you serious' face...well at least I am.

I roll my eyes. "Seriously? Is that really how you recall me hitting my head?"

"It's better than your story." He argues back.

Diana speaks up. "I just don't know why you two are telling childish stories." She shakes her head.

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