The truth || 29

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"I'm sorry."

I blink at Olivia once. Then twice. Then I explode. "No, you don't get to be sorry after everything you've done." I yell partially from anger, partially from the music blasting from downstairs.

I turn around to leave when she pulls on my arm. "Brie, I'm sorry I got with Jaxon—"

"You should be sorry that you wanted my time being friends with you." I say. I can feel my eyes stinging as I clench my hand into a fist. I don't want to cry but I grew up with Olivia.

Her mouth opens slightly and her eyes tear a bit. She lets go of my arm, stepping back.

"I know you won't forgive me but please hear me out." She begs and I sigh, resting my hands on my hips as I wait for her to explain herself.

"I'm using him." She says, staring at me. She doesn't say anything after that.

"Elaborate. How am I supposed to know what you're talking about?" I say and she stands up straighter.

"Right. I'm only with him so we can get back at him. Remember? You said yourself you want to do something so bad that he'll regret ever making you one of his victims?" She says and I purse my lips. Maybe I did say that.

"Well did you get anything on him?" I ask and a smile slowly grows on her face as she takes out her phone from her back pocket.

"He's very secretive." She steps forward to stand next to me, pulling her phone higher so I can see. "But I got a lot of good stuff."

My jaw almost drops at what I see. She has a bunch of pictures of him. Except he looks younger in these photos. Olivia swipes on her phone a few times before showing me a video. In the video, a young boy, who I'm assuming is Jaxon, is in a swimming pool, surrounded by beautiful girls and some handsome guys who look older than him. He begins swimming around until his blue shorts disappear. How did they disappear?

"He was hanging out with his brother and his friends. He always tried to fit in with them but it never worked. I guess they got tired of him and decided to do this to him." Olivia explains and I can't help but frown.

That's so sad.

Olivia continues, putting her phone away. "Obviously he was teased for it quite a lot so he moved to our school and started following in his brother's footsteps." She shrugs. "So, what's the plan?" She looks at me expectantly and I sigh.

"Don't you think we should wait a little longer?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"You know he still likes you? He asked me out to make you jealous and I agreed because it would be a good way to find something juicy about him." She says, her eyes trailing to my neck. "But you have other interests—"

"No I don't." I interrupt, knowing she's talking about Ashton. "Are you jealous Olivia?" I ask and she frantically shakes her head.

"I like Wil- someone, but that's not important. Look, I'm sorry Brie. I should've discussed this with you before going with the whole plan. Please forgive me." She says, looking at me pleadingly.

I look at the ground for a second before sighing and pulling her into a hug.

"I forgive you." I say. I don't know if I do forgive her or not but I'll pretend I do. And I don't know if I believe her but I'll also pretend I do.

She wraps her arms around me, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Thank you, I won't let you down." I hear her whisper before the door is pushed open and William steps in.

"Oh, I didn't know you guys were having a moment—" I pull away, dusting off non-existent dirt from my shirt.

"No, it's fine. What happened?" I ask and it's then that I notice he has a red cup in his hand. He takes a swing of it, turning his gaze to Olivia.

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