Old times || 36

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              ~1 week later~

I sit on the sofa in the living room,  ores out of my mind. My mom and Diana are on their way home, and I know Ashton is at his own house because the whole neighbourhood is literally vibrating with the loud music he is playing in his room.

I don't hear when my phone rings, only until I look down do I realise someone is calling me. It's Olivia. She been calling me everyday since I told her about Darren. It has started getting annoying since every phone consists of her asking if I'm okay.

I answer it.

"What's that sound?" I hear her say over the music playing next door. "Are you at a party?" She asks and I shake my head, tutting at myself when I realise she can't see me. Do people even throw parties at five in the afternoon?

"No, it's that stupid guy who's having a meltdown." I shout so that she can hear me over the phone.

"Oh ok, just wanted to make sure you're okay."

"Yes, I'm fine." I don't know how I hear the doorbell ring over all the noise but I do. "Someone's here, I need to go." I say.

"Okay, take care, Brie. Love you, bye." I hang up, fed up with the music that is causing a headache. I stand, making my way to the front door.

A smile immediately appears on my face and a squeal leaves my lips as my hands wrap tightly around my mom. I hear her chuckle as she reciprocates the hug.

"I missed you too, honey." She says and I pull away after a long, sweet hug.

"Where's Diana?" I ask, looking behind her.

"She went to go get Ashton. We decided to order takeaway and so we're all going to eat together." She smiles and I nod, noticing the music slowly turning down ur uk I can't hear it at all.

Ashton refused to talk to me unless we were in therapy. But even then, he wouldn't look at me and only give one worded answers.

I take hold of her suitcase, wheeling it inside the house. "I cleaned the house before your arrival." I say, walking into the living room as she follows. I watch as she looks around, nodding to herself.

"You did a good job. I'm proud of you." My heart warms at her words. After everything, it's nice to hear that my mother is proud of me, even if it is for cleaning the whole house by myself. She walks to the sofa, occupying the seat I was originally in as her head falls back and her eyes close.

I look up when I hear footsteps walking in. Diana enters, rolling her suitcase behind her and I walk over to her, hugging her. Her arms squeeze around me.

My smile falters a little when I see Ashton standing behind her, leaning against the wall. He doesn't look in my direction. He keeps his head down as he texts someone.

Diana pulls away, smiling widely. "How've you been?"

"I'm better now that the both of you are back." I say and she laughs sweetly, making her way to sit next to my mom.

"How was your trip?" I ask, standing close to them.

"Fun but tiring." Mom yawns. "Could the two of you go and put the plates and cups out on the dining table?" I nod, making my way to the kitchen. I don't acknowledge Ashton, and neither does he to me.

I reach out, taking a few plates and setting them neatly on the table. I find some glasses and bring them to lay next to each plate before sighing.

"You know, just because you're mad at me doesn't mean I have to do all the work by myself." I say, turning to face him. He keeps his head down, too engrossed in his phone to probably even hear what I just said.

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