Heated conversations || 07

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A/N: I figured some people were confused on the way the house is built so I drew a sketch of some kind to help you understand how their houses look like.

This is a rough idea of how it looks like and if you still don't understand then you could imagine a house of your choice

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This is a rough idea of how it looks like and if you still don't understand then you could imagine a house of your choice.


I wake up to my phone ringing. My hands pat the nightstand as I feel the vibrating phone, picking it up and holding it up to my ear.

"What?" I mumble sleepily.

"Well hello to you too, Brianna. Oh, I'm doing doing amazing, thank you for asking, how about yourself?" Olivia says sarcastically.

I sigh, looking at the time. "What do you want? It's literally 10:13 in the morning right now. Do you know how early that is?" I groan.

"Yes, I am aware of how late that is. I just called to tell you something."

"It better be worth it if you woke me up for it." I grumble, rubbing my eyes with my free hand.

"You know how we break up for the summer holidays on Tuesday?" Next Tuesday was the last day of school before our summer holidays and unfortunately next week, Ashton and I also have out first therapy. If there is anything I can say about next week, it is that it will definitely be eventful.

"Mhm." I hum, putting the phone on speaker and laying it down next to my ear. 

"Well I found out a few minutes ago that I'm staying here till the end of summer so I won't be home."

My eyes shoot open. "What?"

"I found out a few minutes ago that I'm—"

"No, no, I heard what you said but the whole of summer?" I ask in disbelief.


"The whole of summer, as in the whole six weeks we're off school?"

"Yes! The whole of the summer, I won't be home because my aunt is sick and my mum wants to be closer to her."

I sigh. "Don't have too much fun without me."

"I wouldn't dream of it. But honestly it would be better with you here. If only we could go camping again."

I'm about to speak when I hear mum yell from downstairs "Honey, I'm leaving. Come down."

Olivia laughs softly. "I'll let you go, bye Brie. Have a fun holiday." After saying our goodbyes, I hang up.

I stand up and walk to the mirror in my room. I was wearing black shorts with green bamboos imprinted on them and a simple black tank top with a panda.

I shrug. I only have to lock the doors after she leaves, what's the point in changing?

I leave my room and skip down the stairs, immediately coming to a halt when I see two figures standing by the front door.

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