Hate || 38

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I didn't mean to confuse anyone with the ages in the last chapter. Leo and Alex are 18, Charlotte is 16.


            ••  Brie's POV  ••

"We're here." I hear Diana speak as the sound of the music decreases and the car turns off.

I keep my eyes closed with my head laying on Ashton's shoulder. Not long after we had left, Leo received a message from someone and in simple words, lost interest in me. So I decided to rest my eyes since I wasn't going to talk to anyone else in the car.

The only reason I was getting touchy with Leo earlier was because I knew it was getting under Ashton's skin. Otherwise, I wouldn't even glance at a guy like Leo, he doesn't even know how to treat a woman right.

The car doors open yet I don't open my my eyes. Nor do I move when I feel Ashton's fingertips  tapping against the bare skin of my thigh.

"I know you're awake, Brie." I hear him whisper. I still don't move.

Instead, I peek an eye open to see that everyone has left the car leaving only Ashton and I. Great. Just what I need.

"Will you at least talk to me?"

"Only if you carry me inside." I mumble, half lying. Call me lazy, but it was fun being carried around.

"Fine." He sighs. "I'm sorry—" I lift my head up turning my body before pushing a finger to his lips.

"Ah ah. I'll talk to you inside." Before he can say anything, the car door opens and I look up to see Leo standing there.

"Are you guys going to get out? I need to lock the car." He mumbles. I close my eyes slightly.

"Can you help me out, please?" I say in a tired voice. Leo grabs onto my hand, helping me out and manage to get a glance of jealousy on Ashton's face.

I thank him, making my inside the open door. Rather than going inside to the living room, I decide to to my room from Ashton's considering that my mom wasn't home yet.

"Going upstairs?" I look to the left at Diana as she lifts a brow at me. I nod.

"My mom isn't home so I'm going to go to my room from Ashton's balcony." I explain and she nods in return.

"Do you need help? You seem tired, I don't want you hurting yourself."

"No, it's fine." I decline her offer as she shakes her head.

"Don't be silly. Ashton wouldn't mind helping you. Plus, I don't think any of us want a visit to the hospital at this time." Her eyes travels behind me before nodding her head at me. "Make sure she gets to her room safely." She says pointedly and I know she's talking to Ashton.

I smile at her as she turns on her heels, walking further into the house. I don't bother looking back at Ashton and instead, make my way up the stairs as the sound of footsteps follow behind me.

When I enter his room, I don't make it far until the door shuts behind us and I'm pulled back.

"Let go of my hand, Ashton." I mumble, annoyance evident in my voice as I glare up at his stupid face.

"You said you'd talk to me inside." He points out.

"No, I said if you carry me inside, I'll talk to you. There's a difference." He sighs loudly, rolling his eyes.

I pull away from his hold, walking towards his balcony door. Just as my fingers graze the handle, I'm pushed around as my back hits the glass door. Ashton's body looms over mine, his arms laying lazily on either side of my head as he lowers his face to align with mine.

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