Confrontation || 56

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"I would like to say I knew it." Diana mutters quickly before pursing her lips.

I decide that it's better to have them talk rather than Ashton and I explain so I continue the conversation.


Diana shrugs. "Your arguments were a little weak. And you guys weren't hitting each other. And the way Ashton looked at you was a dead giveaway." She says and then shrugs again.

I glance at Ashton. "Why were you looking at me?" I ask.

"Why can't I?" He counters back.

But then another voice speaks up. "Why were you two hiding it from us?" Mom asks. "And how long were you planning to keep it a secret?" She raises a brow at us.

"As long as possible." Ashton says.

Mom looks at me. "You know why I wanted you to tell me when you started dating, Brie. I wouldn't be mad at you for going with the person you hate the most."

"Hated." I correct. "The person I hated the most." I purse my lips at the look my mom gives me. "What? I don't hate him anymore." I shrug, looking down at my fingers.

"How long has this been going on?" Diana asks. I shrug again, looking at Ashton to see if he has an answer. My memory wasn't the best but Ashton's was, all I knew was that something happened during the summer holidays.

"I can't exactly pinpoint a date, it was on and off before we actually started to admit our feelings." Ashton answers.

Mom goes to speak when she is interrupted by hushed whispers sounding from behind us. I don't even have to turn around to know who it is.

"Are they dead?" Kai whispers.

"Shut up." Olivia says back.

"This is so stupid, give them some privacy." This time it's William.

"I agree." Joe.

After all four have inputted their opinion, Diana speaks. "You guys know we can hear you, right?" Olivia and Kai's bickering comes to an immediate stop. "Just come inside." She invites and I cover my face with my hands.

I hear slow footsteps enter the kitchen, stopping behind me.

"Did you guys know about this?"
Mom asks and I get the feeling she's not asking us.

"Some of it." Olivia states. "It was on and off." She repeats Ashtons words and I hear mom hum.

"Joe?" She suddenly says.

"I knew nothing." He says.

"How do you even know my daughter?" I look behind to see him looking anywhere but my mom.

"It's a long story."

"I've got the day off from work."

Kai butts in. "It'll take more than a day to finish the story."

"Summarise it then." Mom says. I look around and catch Diana staring at me and I see a smirk lifting her lips.

Joe opens his mouth but nothing comes out. William rolls his eyes,
stepping forward before speaking.

"Just come clean." He mumbles.

"No!" Kai and Ashton say at the same time.

"How are you going to lie about the guys practically dead outside?" William asks.

"Are you out of your mind?" Ashton grits.

"No, I'm saving you because when the truth comes out in the future, they won't be as nice about the lies you've told them and the secrets you've hid." William points out and I see where he's coming from but if Diana finds out about the races, she may not let Ashton go there anymore and he'll have to find another way to earn money.

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