Not what you think || 24

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I groan, rolling to the edge of my bed when I hear my phone ring. I answer it, laying the phone by my ear as I close my eyes.

"Good morning, sunshine." I groan again when I hear Kai's voice.

"What?" I grumble and I hear him hum.

"That's not the spirit. Come on, I know you have it." I sigh, annoyed.

"Good morning to you too, kai. Now what do you want?" I ask.

"Come to the park. I have something to show you." He says, joyously and I lift my phone up to check the time.

"It's 10:57, why are you even awake at this time?" I question, although I already know the answer.

Sometimes, the four of us would have a sleepover at Ashton's, and I would take the bed whilst the guys slept on the floor. Kai would always wake up around seven in the morning and jump on the bed, waking me up, leading to me yelling at him which would wake up Ashton and William, which would cause more chaos. All the while kai slowly crept back to watch us all argue. But that was five years ago, my mom started to hire a babysitter to watch Ashton and I when I got my period, whilst Diana and her went out.

"Just come, please." He begs and I sigh, sitting up.

"You couldn't have called me later?"

"Nope." He replies, popping the 'p' at the end.

"Fine, I'll be there in an hour—"

"No, not an hour. I'll die of boredom by the time you get here." He exaggerates and I roll my eyes.

"I'll try my best to hurry up then." I mumble, hanging up before getting off the bed.

I stretch, yawning before standing upright. My eyes travel to my bed and the memory of last nights event come rushing to me.

Even after our argument, Ashton stayed with me. How sweet of him.

But he's also a bitch. How dare he kick me out last night.

I scoff, quickly using the bathroom before going to change.

Not bothered to look for something, I pick out the first thing that I see. Black jeans and a black long sleeved shirt.

I quickly change before doing my makeup and I'm headed out the door all under an hour.

I walk to the park and to our meeting point. It was a picnic bench under a willow tree by the lake. I found it when I was looking for fairies when I was younger.

I stop in my tracks when my eyes land on the last person I want to see.


My hands curl into fists and my eyes narrow on his frame that is sat on the bench.

A scowl makes it's way onto his face when he spots me.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" He asks and I scoff.

Kai smiles, standing up to greet me. He pulls me in, kissing both my cheeks before pulling away.

"You're finally here. I hope it wasn't too much trouble getting out of bed this early." He says moving to sit back down and I glare at him.

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