Shock || 51

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I sway Binxie side to side as I watch over everyone at the living room. 

My mom and Diana went to buy some food stuff for mom's new dinner date tonight where I get to meet him, and I so invited Olivia and the guys over to kill the time.

Upon entering the room, I see Olivia, Ashton, and Kai sitting on the ground playing a board game, snakes and ladders I think, while William leans against the wall on his phone.

I decide to make my way over to him seeing as he's all alone.

"Hi." I smile. He looks up, smiling back at me before tucking his phone away in his pocket.

"Hey, what's up?" He asks.

"The ceiling." He rolls his eyes at my answer, the small smile still on his face. "Why aren't you playing with them?"

He looks over at the group who are either grinning in victory, frowning in confusion, and cursing in anger. Can you guess who's doing what?

If you guessed Kai grinning, Olivia frowning, and Ashton cursing then you were spot on because that's exactly what was happening.

"They're childish when it comes to board games." William answers my question from earlier.

I hum in pity. "Tired now?" I ask. He nods. "Me too." I glance back at them. "Looking after Ashton is so difficult, you know what I mean? He's so childish." I say.

"Right?! Like the other day kai wouldn't talk to me unless I bought him chocolate." He agrees and I shake my head, tutting even though I'd do the same with Ashton. 

"They just never learn." I say. "Like a few days ago, he wanted a stray cat when we were walking home." I shake my head again. "He wouldn't stop begging until I said yes." Okay so maybe that was me but William didn't need to know that. Besides, I was trying to make a point.

"Really? I thought that cat was yours." He says, looking down at Binxie.

"No, it's his. He brought it over." I say even though Binxie has been with me for the past five days. It was a real mission trying to hide it from my mom since she doesn't know we have a cat yet.

"What's his name?" William asks.

"It's a she, and her name is Mittens Binx, Binxie for short." I answer proudly, my smile glowering down when I see the confusion on his face.

"That doesn't make sense." He mumbles.

"I know! I told him to change it but said no." I sigh exaggeratedly.

William shakes his head, glancing at Ashton and Kai who look as if they're about to jump at each other. "So childish of him. Honestly, they both need to grow up."

"I agree." I place Binxie down when she begins to squirm in my hold and watch as she walks to Olivia.

It's then that I see Kai and Ashton fighting over a dice. A frickin' dice. Ashton looks as if he's about to kill Kai but poor Kai just wants the dice.

"Hey!" William yells as both stop, turning their heads towards him. "Take turns." Ashton reluctantly lets go of the Kai's hand that is wrapped around the dice as Kai shrugs a shoulder at him. Ashton glares in return.

"You're so mature, William." I smile up at him.

"So are you." I nod because I know for a fact I'd end up laughing at the statement if I did anything but.

                   •      •      •

"Are you hungry?" I ask Binxie as I walk down the stairs and to the kitchen.

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