Bad day || 15

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"I would ask what's wrong, but you always look like this." Kai whispers from next to me.

I groan quietly in response.

We were in the third and final lesson before we get to go home because it was half day. Unfortunately, we had science and just like geography, I didn't like the teacher.


My head shoots up and I stare at the teacher.

"Yes miss?" I ask, picking up my pen and tilting my head at her to look as if I'm interested in what we're doing.

"The answer, Brianna. Why is there more oxygen and less carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere?"

I flick through the pages in my book to look for an answer. I already know the answer but the snicker of the tall bastard behind makes me believe I don't know it.

"Come on, Brianna. We learnt this yesterday." She says and I play with my pen. How does she expect me to remember what we learnt yesterday? I don't even remember what I learnt today.

I can feel everyone's stare on me as blood rushes to my face.

"Photosynthesis." I whisper and I hear quiet laughter coming from the class.

"What? Speak louder, please." Mrs Krendal says.

She taps her hand on the table, waiting for an answer but I don't speak. I keep quiet because what if my answer is wrong?

"Ashton, help her out." She says and I sigh out a breath of relief, closing my eyes.

Ashton clears his throat. "Photosynthesis." He says confidently and I pinch the skin of my finger in anger.

Why didn't I speak louder? My answer was correct.

"Well done. Photosynthesis, boys and girls. Brianna, can you explain how?"

"Umm..." I dig my nails into the flesh of my palms. I know the answer but... I'm panicking.

I feel a nudge next to me as kai discreetly slides over his book with the answer.

"Plants give out oxygen and take in carbon dioxide." I say, moving my fingers to the back of my hand and start pushing my nails into my skin.

"That's correct. Be quicker with your answer next time, please." She says, continuing to speak about whatever she was saying before.

I close my eyes and drop my head low. I hate it when they pick on me.

"Imagine not knowing the answer to such an easy question." I hear Ashton snicker.

I push my chair back so I can whisper back.

"Imagine having to earn money to support your family." I mutter, tucking in my chair as Mrs Krendal turns to look at us.

It was wrong of me to say that, I know. I don't know why I did. Ashton told me last night about how he earns money from the illegal races so he can give them to Diana.

"You shouldn't have said that, Brie." I hear kai whisper.

I turn to face him. "He shouldn't have said that either."

Kai rolls his eyes. "It's kinda true, though. How could you not know the answer?"

"I did know the answer." I grit.

"Then why didn't you say it?" He raises a brow.

Because I didn't want to be wrong. Because I forget everything when a teacher picks on me to answer a question. I didn't want to be laughed at and called stupid.

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