Back to school || 46

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"Brie, wake up!" I groan, turning to the side and bringing the pillow with me to cover my ear from my mother's yelling.

I close my eyes, going back to dreaming about me having wings and flying when my mother yells again.

"Brianna, don't make me come up there." I huff, sitting up. I look around my room with half open eyes before falling back onto my back.

I'm wasting too much energy right now.

"Brie, you're going to be late for your first day!" I groan, finally getting up. I slide my feet to my closet and take out all of my clothes as they pile by my feet.

I stare at the mess. Then shrug. I'll just get Ashton to clean it up again.

I rummage through it and find a flowy shirt with leggings and a cardigan since the weather was starting to become colder.

I quickly change before going to bathroom. After that, I make my way downstairs and to the kitchen. Mom is already rushing about and as I walk in, I see her putting some pancakes on a plate.

"I need to go early, ride with Ashton, okay?" She says, placing the plate of goods in front of me as I take a seat on a stool.

"Okay." I mumble.

"Your bag is by the door, and please keep track of the time." She rushes over to me, giving me a quick kiss to the forehead. "I love you." She says before grabbing her bag and practically runs out the door.

I look down at my food. Sighing, I grab a fork and a knife and cut the pancake into bite size pieces. School shouldn't exist. It messes with people's sleeping schedule and wastes a lot of time. I could've been sleeping, but no, I'm going to school.

I pick up my phone to check the time. My eyes widen and any form of tiredness vanishes from my body. It was 8:28. I had to leave at 8:30.

I jump off the stool, rushing towards the cabinets before taking out a plastic container. I quickly put the pancakes inside, closing the lid and taking it to the front door. I put it in my bag and wear my shoes. I'm out of the house in less than two minutes and walking over next door to see Ashton already starting his car.

I run over to him before he can drive away. He rolls down the window.

"Need a ride?" He raises a brow and I nod. "Get in." I do as he says and once I'm in, I feel like I can finally rest.

I drop my head back. "It's crazy how much time can affect one's behaviour." I tell him to which he chuckles.

"Let me guess, you woke up late?" He says and I sigh.

"Woke up at eight. That's the quickest I've gotten ready for school." I tell him and see him smile from the corner of my eye.

The rest of the car ride, we're silent. It's not awkward but comfortable, for me at least. I just daydream the whole way there.

As Ashton parks, I speak. "What are we going to do?"

"What do you mean?" He turns the car off.

"No one knows about our relationship. They think we still hate each other." I remind him to which he sighs, turning his body to face me.

"I'll follow your lead. If you're not comfortable announcing us publicly yet then we'll go back to acting as if we hate each other." He says and I sigh.

I really don't know what to do. "What if the teachers call home and tell my mom that we're getting along?" I ask. Ashton tilts his head.

"I don't think that's how it works."

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