In trouble || 08

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My cloud of sleep drifts away when I feel the bed dip beside me. I had fallen asleep after the whole Ashton and Darren incident because I didn't want to leave my room. I wanted to be left alone which resulted in boredom and therefore leading me to fall asleep.

I turn my head to the side with a soft groan when I feel a finger stroke down my cheek. The finger trails down my neck before running across my collarbone.

I groan again, tiredly pushing away away the hand. Now, my first thoughts would be my mom stroking my hair to wake me up but touching my collarbone? Who the fuck is this?

My eyes shoot open when I feel the hand going lower to my chest.
It's as if my breath is knocked out of me and I quickly sit up, moving away to the other side of my bed.

My wide eyes meet Darren's calm ones.

I frantically look around. My room was dark, the only light coming from my lamp on my nightstand.

"W-what are you doing?" I whisper as my hands wipe the are he had touched.

"Shh, it's okay. I was just waking you up—"

"No you weren't. Why were you touching me?"

He sighs, looking down at his lap. "I had a daughter about a few months younger than you. She passed in her sleep, you just remind me so much of her. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I won't do it again, Brianna. I'm sorry." He says quietly as he brings a hand up to wipe under his eyes.

Is he crying?

He stands up, sniffing. "I just wanted to wake you up to tell you that your mother is downstairs and she's calling you." He says quietly before walking out.

I breathe out a sigh of relief. But why do I feel bad now? I sigh again because of my emotions. I mean, come on, you can't tell me you don't feel sad for the guy.

Trust me when I say I'm not excusing his behaviour in any way, but you have to pity him. Like, the man lost his daughter, why would anyone lie about such a serious thing?

I get off my bed and quickly put on a jumper before making my way downstairs.

I enter the living room to see my mom sitting on the sofa with Darren's arms around her, comforting her in a way.

"Darren said you wanted to speak to me." I say, making my presence known.

My mom's eyes snap towards mine and she instantly sits up straight. "I am so disappointed in you, sit down right now!"

My brows furrow and my eyes flicker to Darren for a quick second as I take a seat opposite them.

"Who is Lewis? And don't even lie to me, Brianna Rose." She demands.

"I don't know, who is Lewis?" I ask.

"I said do not lie and here you are asking who he is." Mom laughs humourlessly. "Why was this guy in your room?" She asks and my brows furrow deeper.

"I don't know what you're talking about. It's my first time hearing that name, mom, what guy?"

She turns to Darren who already has his eyes on me. No surprise there.

"Tell her what guy, Darren."

Darren clears his throat. "Well, I don't want you to get into trouble Brie—"

"It's Brianna." I say but immediately shut up when I see the look mom is giving me.

"There was a guy on top of you when I entered your room. Do you remember that? And then he threatened to hurt me if I didn't leave." He explains and my mouth hangs open at his lie.

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