Boyrfriend || 47

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"I'm so bored!" Kai groans and I roll my eyes.

"You're always bored." I say and he groans again.

Kai and I were at my house while the other two guys were out buying some things. Apparently, William's house would be empty for the weekend so they decided to throw a party. Later, Ashton, kai and I would stay for the night.

It was Friday and Kai and I were waiting in the kitchen.

"That's because your house is boring." He says, banging his head against the table.

"No, your life is boring." I tell him. He lays his head down on one arm whilst lifting the other in my direction with his middle finger up. I roll my eyes again.

"Your personality is boring." He argues and I stare at him with my mouth slightly apart.

"Your eyes are boring." He scoffs at my words.

"Your taste in men is boring." I scoff-laugh.

"Don't be ridiculous, honey. You said you'd fuck Ashton over Nick any time."

"That's because I would." He replies.

Our heads turn towards the kitchen door when we hear another voice from behind us.

"And I'd fuck Brie over you anytime." Ashton mumbles, walking straight towards me.

I smile as he snakes an arm around my waist, kissing the back of my head.

"Yuck." Kai mutters, pushing himself off the stool as William enters the room.

I turn so that my back is facing the table and widen my legs, allowing Ashton to stand in between them. He rolls his eyes at Kai's exaggeration.

"How was your day, beautiful?" Ashton asks me and as I'm about to answer, I hear quiet snickering from kai.

I look at him as he walks to William, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"How was your day, beautiful?" Kai mimics and I see the smallest smile on William's face.

"It was beautiful, love, just like you." A moment of silence passed before laughter erupts.

William and Kai move away from each other as Kai falls to the ground, rolling around whilst holding his stomach.

I glance at Ashton. "I should be worried now, right?"

He nods, staring at William who has his head tipped back with laughter bubbling out of him.


Kai straightens up. "There's nothing wrong with a little bromance."

"Shut up." I tell him.

"I was right when I said your personality is boring. William and Ashton came and I'm laughing within seconds." I roll my eyes at his words.

"You're only fun around William."

"And you're only happy around Ashton."

I hear a small laugh come from Ashton. He stares at me whilst talking. "There's some stuff in the car for Brie. Go and get it." He orders to one of the guys but unread of one leaving, they both walk out the room.

"Seriously?" I ask, smiling as he leans forward, pecking the corner of my lips.

"Seriously." He kisses me. My heart feels so full and content with him and I wish it lasts forever.

• • •

"Where are you going?" My hand pauses above the front door handle when I hear my mother's voice from behind me.

I slowly turn around, smiling at her innocently.

"I'm going to Olivia's."

"Dressed like that?" She folds her arms, looking up and down my figure.

I was wearing a short black dress that was tight from the top and flowy from the bottom. It reached mid-thigh and was sparkly.

"It's her cousins birthday." I say and she lifts and brow up at me.

"How old is he?"

"She's 17."

"What's her name?"

"Kate." I say the first name that comes to my mind.

"Kate." Mom repeats. "Who else is going to be there?" My mind suddenly goes blank as I try to think of a lie.

"I don't know but Olivia didn't want to go alone so she asked me to come along." Lie. Lie. Lie. I wasn't going to Kate's party, I was going to William's. But I was going with Olivia so it technically wasn't a lie.

"Who are you going with?" She asks.

"Olivia, duh." She hums at my answer.

"You can't go." I stare at her with my mouth slightly open.

"Why would you ask so many questions if I wasn't allowed to go?"

"Calm down, Brie, you're not going yet because I need you to meet someone." She says.

"Mom, Olivia's going to be here soon." I whine and she shakes her head.

"You're going to a 'birthday party' at nine, Brianna. I know you're lying, be grateful I'm allowing you to go wherever you're going." She says and I huff.

"Why do I need to meet this person?"

"Because I recently met him and I want to make sure you like him before we make things official." She explains and I groan.

"I'm sure I'll like him."

"Brianna, I'm not going to have a repeat of what happened last time. You're staying to meet him." She finalises.

I groan again when I hear a car horn outside. "Mom!"

"You're staying."

"Come on, I'll tell you if the new guy does anything." The horn sounds again. "Please."

She sighs deeply as if thinking about it. "Be home by eleven."

"I'm staying at Olivia's." I lie. I'll be staying at William's but mom is okay with William so I'm sure she won't mind.

"Fine, go." I smile, kissing her cheek and just as I open the door, she speaks again. "Call me at eleven so I know you're safe."

"Okay." I exit the house.

"And stay out of trouble."


"Promise me." She shouts just before I close the door.

"I promise." I shut the door behind me and run towards Olivia's car parked outside my house.

I jump into the car, facing her with a grin on my lips.

"I promised my mom I would stay out of trouble."

She smiles mischievously. "Let's just hope I don't help you get into trouble." She winks as we begin to make our way towards William's house.

I hope it won't be as wild as she described it earlier, but knowing the guys, I have no doubt something will go wrong tonight.

Okay, so turns out my calculations were a little off, my exams end mid June, not July so I won't be posting until then.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 💕💕

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