Confession || 32

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I lean on the hood of Kai's race car with my arms crossed.

The way the races were set out, there were three groups with three racers in each group. Ashton was in the first group, William was in the second and kai was in the third.

The first group had already raced in which Ashton had won, now it was William's turn to race with his opponents while we all waited by Kai's car.

It's all confusing, I don't know how I kept up with this.

I slightly lift my head up in Kai's direction when I hear him speak. "You're more quiet than usual, Brie-Anne. Is everything okay?" I nod my head, keeping my head down while picking at my lip.

I refrain an eye roll when I hear Ashton snickering. Kai walks forward until he's standing next to me, lowering to my height so he can whisper in my ear.

"Did you have an argument with Ashton? I can put that boy back in his place if you want me to." He says lowly and I can't the smile that begins to lift my face.

I softly shake my head. Everyone needs a Kai in their life.

The real reason I was keeping my head down was because I was too embarrassed to look up. I knew if I did look up, I would look at Ashton and I didn't want to do that because of the way he was looking at me.

"What's wrong then?" He whispers again and I shrug my shoulders. He's quiet for a while before he speaks. "Are you on your period?" My head shoots up, glaring at him and his stupid question.

"You shouldn't ask a girl if she's on her period just because she's in a mood." I scold as he steps back, holding his hands up in mock surrender.

"So you are on your period?" He asks and I jump off the hood of the car, ready to hit him when I feel a hand wrap around my wrist, pulling me into a chest.

I huff, already knowing it's Ashton when his arms snake around my waist, keeping me in place.

Kai laughs, pointing at me. "Ha sucker. You were going to hit me, come hit me then." He taunts, grinning. I sigh loudly, closing my eyes and take a deep breath when I feel the rumble of Ashton's chest, alerting me that he's silently laughing as well.

"You won't be laughing when you've lost the race." I threaten to which he scoffs.

"I'm better than my opponents." He says flipping his imaginary long hair over his shoulder and I roll my eyes.

"That's why you lost the race you partook in before?" I give him a taunting smile. He squints his eyes at me, folding his arms.

"I didn't lose, I came in second."

"You didn't win anything so you basically lost."

His eyes snap to Ashton's as he stomps once. "Tell her I didn't lose." He whines.

Ashton bends down, his lips brushing the tip of my ear. "Don't get jealous, but second placers do win something." He says. I elbow him, a hiss escaping his lips as I step away from him.

I don't know why I get the feeling that the word 'jealous' was insinuating the fact that I had gotten jealous when I thought he said he loves Olivia.

I shake my head at the thought, it sounds so stupid now that I think about it. It doesn't even sound right.

Our attentions are shifted to the centre of the building when we hear the sound of engines coming closer.

Kai runs up to me, grabbing onto my hand and pulling me to the gathering crowd.

"Come on, let's see if it's William." He smiles. I look back at Ashton who is leaning where I had originally been, staring at my ass.

I knit my brows, covering my backside with my free hand as his eyes shoot up to mine.

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