Tutor || 25

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My leg bounces as I sit quietly in the living room with Kai and William.

Ashton had kissed me.

After he had left, I got a message from my mom telling me that I had to tutor him in maths since he was struggling...

But he kissed me.

How am I going to face him now? I shake my head, focusing on Kai and William's conversation.

"...but it's not my fault I overheard, she shouldn't have been speaking so loud in the first place." I don't even want to know what Kai is talking about.

I look up at William as he blinks once at Kai.

"Why were you even there?" He asks with utter confusion and disbelief.

Kai sighs loudly before turning to me.

"You agree with me, right?" He asks.

I nod, having no clue what he's talking about. "Mhm." I hum as William scoffs.

"She doesn't even know what we're talking about."

I tut as Kai furrows his brows at me.

"He's lying, of course I know what you're talking about." I lie and Kai shakes his head.

"No, you seem more dazed since you came from tying your hair up. Are you sure you're ok?" He asks and I nod.

"I'm just not looking forward to tutoring Ashton." I mumble. I had told them that I screamed in anger when I found out I was going to help him. They don't know about the kiss.

I'm more nervous than angry.

He hums. "Awe, but you agree with me, right?" I roll my eyes, playfully.

"Agree with what?" I ask. I don't care but I need a a distraction from what happened earlier.

As he is about to speak, William quickly interrupts.

"You don't want to know." I look at him, confused. "Trust me." He adds and I lightly shake my head.

"How is she going to agree if she doesn't know?" Kai argues.

"She won't agree—" I interrupt William, holding my hand up. 

"Ok guys, let's not argue on this." I turn to Kai. "What is it that you want to tell me?" I ask and he huffs.

"When we were walking back to your house from the park, I overheard a girl telling her friend how she was using her boyfriend for his money and that she was actually in love with his best friend." My mouth forms an 'O' shape at the news I hear. The ending sounds a little familiar if you ask me.

I look over at William as he rolls his eyes.

"Continue." He instructs and Kai speaks up.

"So I waited for the boyfriend and told him the whole story." He finished and my brows furrow.

"So you potentially ruined a relationship that had it coming." I ask and I hear William scoff.

"Not potentially, he did. Turns out it was all just a prank." My eyes widen at this.

This world is full of drama.

"What kind of prank is that?" I ask and Kai sits up, pointing at me.

"That's what I'm saying."

I turn to William. "Why are you so angry?" I ask.

"The boyfriend was going to fight that idiot." He replies, nodding at Kai who shrugs.

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