Help || 16

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"You're drunk, Darren. Step away, there won't be any consequences if you step away now." I mutter as he continues caressing my cheek.

"What consequences? You can't tell your mother and it's not like I'll let anyone know your secret desires." He chuckles, closing the gap between us as our bodies press together.

"I don't have any secret desires...with you, at least." I say in disgust.

He takes a step back and I wince when his calloused hand comes in contact with my left cheek.

I fall to the ground, holding my hand to my face.

Ow, that hurt like mother... trucker.

I'm on a no swearing policy. That doesn't make sense, does it?

Not now, Brie.

I look up at Darren as he smirks down at me. He moves so that his crotch is aligned with my face.

"Unbuckle the belt." He demands.

I shake my head 'no' as tears sting my eyes. He grabs my hair and pulls me up, bringing his face closer to mine.

"Unbuckle the fucking belt, Brie." He spits, pushing my head away as he lets go of my hair.

A sob escapes my mouth as I kneel down on my knees. My hands shakily make their way to his belt as I begin taking it off.

He smirks as I pull down his trousers.

"I don't want to do this." I whisper as tears steam down my face.

"I don't care what you want. But don't worry, I'll make sure you feel good too." He says, guiding my face to his crotch as I pull away.

I suddenly scream in pain when he smashes his beer bottle on the top my head. My vision blur's and a slight ring sounds in my ear. I see blood starting to leak from the wound.

"You just don't listen, do you?" He tuts. "Now take it out and suck." Darren says, slowly pulling down the elastic of his boxers.

"W-wait. I want to stand up. I-I'll do it, just let me stand up." I sob.

He looks as if he's considering it. "Fine. Get up."

I stand, placing my hands on his shoulder. "It's my first time. Just please be gentle." I whisper and he grins.

"We'll see. Start."

I sob, leaning forward as I place a kiss on his jawline... well, at least I think it is his jawline. I begin to trail down his neck as he places his hands on my hips.

Okay, Brie. You can do this.

My fingers tighten against the material of his shirt as I lift my leg up with force, hitting him between the legs.

He immediately lets go, groaning before falling to the floor and cupping his crotch.

"You bitch!" He yells, throwing broken shards of the beer bottle at me.

I try blocking them as my hands fumble with the door. I quickly open it and run outside.

I turn to look back when I hear the door slam open as Darren stumbles out.

"Get back here." He shouts.

I run.

My head keeps turning back to see if he's following me but he's not. His figure is just standing by the driveway.

A sudden scream ripples through my throat when I bump into someone. Arms find their way around me and I hear a familiar voice.

"Woah. Calm down, it's just me." I look up through my blurred vision, recognising the curly hair and green eyes.

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