Bet || 21

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I stuff another handful of popcorn in my mouth, keeping my eyes fixated on the tv.

It was around 7pm and we had finished dinner about an hour ago. Diana went up to her room to pack her bags for the trip and Ashton and I decided to watch a movie in the meantime.

"Why are we watching this?" Ashton complains for the third time.

I roll my eyes, stuffing my face with another handful of popcorn.
"Because you picked last time." I say, matter-of-factly and I hear him groan.

"First the fairy shit and now this?"

"Shut up." I say. We were watching 'My little pony', like c'mon, who doesn't like that?

I hear him sigh loudly just as the doorbell rings.

"Go get it." I command, not taking my eyes off the screen.

I ignore him when he curses under his breath and stands up to answer the door.

My attention is completely on the show that I don't realise when someone enters the living room.

"It's good seeing you too." I recognise the voice as my head whips to the direction of the voice.

"Mom!" A smile makes its way onto my face as I jump off the sofa and run over to my mom standing by the doorway.

My arms wrap around her as she reciprocates the hug, chuckling a little.

I pull back. "I thought you were at the hospital." I say and she sighs.

"I wasn't going to let Diana go alone. Plus, Darren has family here who will look after him." She says, moving away. "Now let's go, I need to pack and you need to clean you draw." She states, walking to the stairs.

"Diana, I'm going to pack and then I'll be back." Mom yells and I hear Diana shout an 'okay' back.

Mom walks out the house and I follow, stopping when I see Ashton holding the door wide open for me.

"Out you go." He smiles sarcastically and I roll my eyes.

"I know you love watching my little pony." I whisper tauntingly as he scoffs.

"I hate you and the horse show you watch." He says and I scrunch my nose at him.

"It's ponies, not horses."

"Same thing." He mutters, placing his hands on my back and pushing me out of his house.

"I hope to never see you again." I mumble.

"You're coming back tonight anyways. Honestly, I think they should take you to the trip with them." I hear him say as I turn around to face him.

Before I can give him a piece of my mind, he slams the door shut.

"Dumbass." I mumble before making my way to my house.

I walk straight to my room because what other way to kill time than to clean the mess I live in.

Opening my draw, clothes spill out to my feet and I throw my head back, groaning. I can't be asked to do this.

Sighing, I fall to my knees and begin digging all my clothes out to refold them all.

I separate them from leggings and trousers, to all the t-shirts I own. I also make a pile of dresses that have fallen from the hangers.

I begin folding the shirts, piling them neatly as I think about what happened 10 years ago.

You'd wonder how I can remember something from such a young age, but I've been reminded of it ever since it happened.

I don't want to get into too much detail but part of it was Ashton throwing a necklace I received from my biological father into a well.

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