Encounters || 27

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"I don't want to go." I whine, hugging my pillow.

Ashton huffs. "Do you think I want to go with you? Kai has something of mine and I won't get it back until I get you out the house."

"Why do I need to leave though?" I ask.

"How am I supposed to know? Now get out of bed or I'll drag you out the house." He threatens and I scoff.

"You'll let me go out dressed like this?" I ask, digging my elbows into my mattress to prop myself up.

I was wearing short shorts and a crop top. I lift a brow at him as he glares at me.

"Why are you wearing that anyways?" He asks.

"It's hot, what else am I supposed to wear?" I sit up, covering my body with my duvet.

"Decent clothing." He seethes and I roll my eyes.

"It's not like I'm flaunting my body to strangers." I argue.

"You opened the door to the creepy old man that lives opposite us, that guy was staring at you. How dumb do you have to be to not notice that?" He all but yells and I fold my arms.

"Seriously, Ashton? The guy is in his fifties, he's a nice old man."

"A nice old man who likes to stare at your tits." He mumbles. My head cocks to the side. Did I hear him right?

"I thought you said I have nothing to look at."

"Because there is nothing to look at."

"Then how was he staring at my tits if I don't have any?" I question as his jaw clenches.

"He was staring at your chest the other day!" He says and I roll my eyes.

"Because I had a sticker on my shirt." I was going through some of my old things I had in a box under my bed and I came across a sticker Olivia had given me so I decided to wear it.

"Really? And what was so interesting about the sticker that he had to look at your tit—chest." I hide a smile as I glance down at his hands that are fisted by his side.

"It said, live, laugh and love cock." I press my lips together as soon as the words leave my mouth. Ok, maybe it was a little immature but who cares?

"You're not even into that shit. And where did you even get a sticker like that?" He asks and I shrug.

"Just a stripper that I know. He's really nice—"


"Well, well. Hit me if I'm wrong but I'd say that you're jealous." I smirk as his eyes narrow at me. He steps forward, grabbing onto my jaw and making me look up at him.

"You little bitch." I would have said something if his face wasn't so close to mine to the point where I could feel his breath hitting my lips. His eyes wander down to my lips for a quick second before he moves away. "Get up, Brie. I won't ask again."

I touch my jaw, still feeling the warmth from his hand.

"You are jealous." I whisper and I've never seen him whip his head to my direction so quickly.

"I'm not jealous." He grits, walking out my room.

Yep, he's definitely jealous...of my nice, old neighbour.


                     •      •       •

I skip to our bench in the park as Ashton follows behind slowly. Taking a seat, I wait until Ashton comes and sits opposite me.

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