A spanish friend || 50

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I'm thankful for many things but I'm most thankful for today for going by quickly.

It was Monday and I had the most horrendous lessons on Mondays. Most of them went so slow and lunch and break went fast but today was opposite.

"Who are you waiting for?" I look up when I see Kate approaching me, her makeup greasy under the heat of the sun.

I look up at her due to her being taller than me. "Ashton. He's still in class. I bet the idiot has detention." I say and she laughs at my words. It wasn't supposed to be funny.

"I don't think he's here." She says and my brows furrow.


She points behind me. "His car isn't here. So I assume he's left." She answers but that only feeds my confusion. I was late this morning and at lunch, Ashton had told me he came to school with William and Kai.

"He didn't bring his car." I tell her.

"No, he did. I saw him get in it." She's persistent and I hate it. Ashton wouldn't lie to me unless he had a good reason behind it.

"Oh." I mumble. "I'll get going then, bye." I don't wait for her to reply and exit the school grounds, slowly walking home in case Ashton is indeed still in school.

My unanswered question is suddenly answered when I get a notification. I check it to see it's Ashton.

Giant freak: still in school. Wait outside for me.

I'll admit, I still had to change his name to something lovey-dovey like 'babe' or 'baby', but those names were reserved for Olivia.

Me: I'm waiting at the corner shop near the park.

I'll be honest, I was intending to stick to my words but when I saw the park pretty much empty and a sand box in the children's area, I ditched my idea and ran straight to play.

My fingers fumble with the dry side of the sand as I create a flat surface before sprinkling some from the gap of palms to draw a heart. It's so pretty.

"Brianna!" I turn back at the sudden call of my name to see Ashton marching towards me.

"Hello." I greet.

"What are you doing?" He asks, stopping outside the sand box with his hands on his hips.

"What does it look like?" I look back at my work to notice that I didn't just create a heart, but also a bunch of sandcastles with the molds left behind.

"It's been two hours since school ended. You said you were by the corner shop." He says and I stand up, sand falling from my skirt.

"I was." Technically it wasn't a lie. I was by the shops until I saw the park. "And it hasn't been two hours." I scoff. He's overreacting.

He takes out his phone showing me. My mouth falls open in an 'o' shape when I see he is correct.

"Come on, I need to get you and Juan home." Who? I look behind him to see a boy with light brown hair and beautiful green eyes. I stand out of the sandbox, walking closer to him.

"You have nice eyes." I compliment and all the guy does is smile at me, glancing back at Ashton.

"He's Spanish, he doesn't speak English." Ashton says.

Spanish huh? I smile up at him. "Divertido?" I ask and he looks around.

"Si?" He answers and my smile widens as I turn back to Ashton.

"He wants to have fun. I think we should play on the swings a little longer." I didn't get to stay on there for a long time since the sandbox was basically calling out my name.

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