Hope for the best || 31

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"Kai, are you seriously searching up how to make someone look sick?" Olivia asks from beside me.

Kai had me sit down with my leg up on a cushion and a wet rag on my forehead. We also found a bunch of scarfs in my mom's room so kai took those and wrapped it around my leg to make it look as if I was wearing a cast. The 'cast' was then covered with my leggings and a blanket.

"Google is very helpful." He replies, concentrated on his phone.

"Kai, you do realise my leg is supposed to be fucked up." I sigh to which he looks up to glare at me.

"You wouldn't have a supposed fucked up leg if you had William answer the phone." He points and William who is sat next to Olivia.

"You can't blame me for this. It's not my fault you're shit at lying."

I hear Ashton groan from where he is standing behind me.

"Shut up or I'll tell everyone what I woke up to." Ashton threatens. I was awake as well and I know full well kai doesn't care. But what happened was that William was spooning Kai.

William sits back with his fist covering his mouth as he glares at kai. Whereas kai shrugs a shoulder at him.

"Go ahead. I already woke up before all of you." He says, smiling at me. My brows furrow. It's no secret that there is something going on between Ashton and I, but why does the look on Kai's face scare me?

"Okay, let's not threaten each other. Kai, I think this is believable enough." I say as he rolls his eyes.

"I still think William should have answered." He mumbles. Just as William is about to say something, the doorbell rings.

"She's here, the devil is here." Kai states, quickly walking over to me and fixing the blanket on my leg. "Remember, you can't walk."

"Yeah, I'll have my knight in shining armour to come and take me wherever." I mumble.

As kai leaves the living room, I hear him quickly mumble. "Yes, Ashton is always available to carry you. Get into places everyone. I don't want to die tonight." With that, he leaves to open the door.

He won't die, he's my grandma's favourite.

I turn around when I hear footsteps nearing us. My eyes land on Ashton who is still standing behind me. I pull on his arm.

"Sit down, she hates how tall you are." I say as he rolls his eyes, walking to take a seat next to William.

I observe our surroundings. Olivia, William, and Ashton are all sat by my feet, all looking at the doorway awaiting my grandma's entrance. Before she can enter, I quickly take off the wet rag on my forehead and throw it to the far corner, almost hitting William in the process. I give him a quick look of apology when he scowls at me.

I hold my breath as footsteps stop behind me.

"It looks like you haven't cleaned this place in over a year." I hear her mutter as she walks further into the living room, taking a seat on the sofa next to ours.

It's silent before I hear the clicking of her fingers. "Your parents need to raise you better. No one but kai has greeted me yet." She says and I turn my body, forcing a smile upon my lips.

"Hello, grandma, how are you?" I ask as she rolls her eyes, scoffing. Excuse me, you're too old to be doing that.

"I would've been better if you opened the door quicker. Maybe then I wouldn't suffer the heat of the sun. What about you, girl?" She shifts her attention to Olivia.
"Who are you?"

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