Triple date || 45

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• Ashton's POV •

I sit down, staring around the table. It looked more like a family gathering than a triple date.

Kai's date had brought some of her own friends: a girl with tanned skin wearing a headscarf, and a guy with dark skin and short hair.

I nod around the table awkwardly as Brie takes a seat next to me. The table had four seats on either side with Kai and his guests on one, and William and Olivia opposite Kai and his date. That left me and Brie to sit opposite the other two accompanies.

Kai smiles at us, pointing to the unfamiliar faces.

"Guys, this is my date Kate, and her two friends, Iqra and Nick." He introduces and I nod.

"It's a little crowded—" A chuckle passes me as Brie smacks my arm, glaring at me. It wasn't a lie, I was just stating the truth.

I look over at her when she speaks, a kind smile playing her lips. "So, are you two dating?" She asks, directing her question to Iqra and Nick.

"Oh, God no." Iqra laughs. "I'm not allowed to date and he's interested in his studies, not girls." She says, pointing to Nick who nods in agreement.

"Why are you two here then?" I ask, earning another hit from Brie. Looking over at the two awaiting their answer, I grab onto Brie's hand pulling it onto my lap so she can't hit me again. She struggles and a smirk lifts my lips when she squeezes my hand in an attempt to make me let go.

Miss chatterbox, aka Iqra, begins to speak. "The same reason you guys are. Kate said you were fine with a little extra company because she was too nervous to come alone." She looks at Kate and Kai who are talking with Olivia and William. "Didn't your friend tell you that?"

My gaze turns to Kai as he laughs to whatever William says. "No, no he didn't." I turn to Brie when she pulls on my hand to get my attention.

She leans forward. "Pretend to faint so we can get out of here." She whispers loud enough for me to hear.

"We're on a date, your dirty little mind can wait to please itself." I mutter in amusement. At my words, her cheeks burn light red as she clears her throat, adjusting herself on her seat.

"That's not the reason." She mumbles. "It's just very awkward." Her eyes wander around the table, watching everyone in their own worlds.

"No one's paying attention to you." I say, letting go of her hand to get the menu. I hand it to her. "Here, busy yourself and look for something to eat." I say as she takes the menu out of my hand.

I look around the whole restaurant to hear or see something stupid. Believe it or not, but many girls come here to talk about the strangest things. The amount of times I've heard girls talk about their own drama is unbelievable. I'm surprised Brie and Olivia don't come here often, that is back when Blondie was a true friend.

My attention is brought to Kate when she calls out my name. "Who did you bring?" She asks loudly over the noise of everyone chattering. I lean back so she can see Brie who and her nose buried in the menu. But one look at her and I already know she not looking over the things she wants to eat, she's most likely playing a stupid game in her mind with the letters.

A common one I heard her telling Olivia is that she'll sing a song in her mind and pick one word from a sentence. As she's singing the song, her eyes will land on the letter the words in the song start with. I have no clue what that means.

"How did you guys meet?" Kate asks and I leans forward so I don't have to raise my voice.

"She's my neighbour." Kates eyes light up as a wide smile overtakes her features as she looks over at Chatterbox. I do too to see the same expression on her face.

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