1. CEO

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"Dad's funeral went well," Hanseo said with little sadness, it was night time Hanseok just arrived at the place where the funeral was arranged, and now only the three of them standing in front of Mr. Jang's photo.
"Why didn't you come in the rituals?" Kiara asked Hanseok.
Hanseok smiled still eyes on his dad's photo looking at the smile he held when the photo was taken "I have no reason to come here" he said without any emotion.
"So why are you here now?"
"We have to discuss something," he told them.
"Here" this time Hanseo voiced out, staring at the photo blankly. Both of them looked at him, the whole day he was silent just exchanging a few words here and there when some started to talk with him.
"Why are you shouting?" Hanseok asked annoyed.
Suddenly Hanseo's behavior changed he looked down at his feet And said in low "No... I don't mean to shout... I never dare to shout at you Hyeong".
"I think he is tired after all day," Kiara said looking at Hanseo in that situation he was visible nerves.
"Let's go home...but first Hanseo you have to do something for me" Hanseo and Kiara looked at the tall man before her "Hanseo outside the media is waiting for the future CEO of Babel's appearance so go outside with your sad face to your car and some bodyguard waiting for you, just act sad and get on the car, then we are going to meet in the family Vila, Okay"
Hanseo looked at his brother with wide eyes and said "but Hyeong you are the hire of Babel so...why do I have to-"
Hanseok stopped him in the middle of his sentence and said "right now just do what I want you to do, we are going to discuss other things at Vila, understood".
"Now just go Hanseo after you we are also going to leave"
"Okay," Hanseo left the room. Hanseok again turned to face his father's photo and muttered "he didn't let me meet my mother when she was dying, so why do you expect me to attend his funeral?".
Kiara looked at him a few times and opened her mouth to speak but closed it again she didn't have anything to reply to his question she just stood next to him quietly.
"Let's leave" Hanseok announced walking out of the room Kiara followed him to the parking, he opened his car door allowing himself to settle on the driving seat he looked at Kiara "why are you still standing just get in already".
"I'm going to take a taxi," Kiara told him, he looked at her like she said something really bad "Why?" He asked.
She raised her eyebrows "because I want to go back to my apartment and my apartment-" she said but stopped.
"Didn't you hear me what I said to Hanseo?" he said his voice changing with his every word "I said we are going to meet him in Vila". She didn't say any word just stared at his face confused.
"You are coming with me," Hanseok said taking a deep breath and cooling himself down, "Kiara...just get in the car".
"But Hanseok...
"Don't make me repeat my words... Kiara" she felt the atmosphere change around them and his voice indicating that he was not asking her but ordering her. She didn't lie she got scared of him from that day when he broke the jaw of his own friend and beat him until he started to beg him for mercy to stop.
"Just get in this fucking car Kiara," he said louder than before with anger. She looked at him horrified and slowly walked to the other side Hanseok opened the door for her she sat and closed the door without any word Hanseok started to drive in silence. Kiara was staring at her hands on her lap.
"Seat belt Kiara"
"Oh! Sorry" she mutterd in low voice moving her hand do seatbelt.
"How was mother when she is dying?" Hanseok asked her.
Kiara looked at his face, he was focused on the driving "she missed you...a lot...Hanseok" she told him "Hanseo and I begged father to let you come here, but..."
"He doesn't deserve her, he never did," Hanseok told her "he was a bad husband and bad father too, he never did anything right in his whole life, he just deserves to die painfully slowly"
Kiara was just staring at his face again silence fell between the two.
They arrived at the villa and parked the car, she quietly followed him inside the vila he turn on the lights "Hanseo has not arrived yet" Hanseok said tossing the key on the table, and laying down on the sofa stretching his whole body and that moment car headlights flashed from the outside.
"Hanseo is here," Kiara said.
They Heard the door open and a tired-looking Hanseo walked in.
"Do you want something?" Hanseok and Kiara both asked at the same time Hanseo just stared at them, blinking a few times.
"Come here Hanseo," Hanseok said to him, he slowly made his way to him and sat next to him rubbing his eyes with his hands.
"Kiara, bring a glass of water," Hanseok said checking Hanseo eyes, Kiara moved to the kitchen when she come back with a glass of water, Hanseok put eyes drops in Hanseo eyes. Then tose the eyedrop bottle to the table, after a few minutes Kiara passed the glass to Hanseo, and sat next to Hanseok.
"Are you alright Hanseo?" she asked.
Hanseok looked at her and said, "he is good, just flashing cameras".
"Then discuss what you want to discuss about," Kiara said checking the time on her phone.
Hanseok smiled excitedly "this is that Hanseo going to become the CEO of the company".
Hanseo looked at him surprised, he never thought about becoming the CEO of Babel, and he knew he was not intelligent like his brother and his not even the true heir, everything belong to Hanseok "Hyeong But you are the real heir, how can I take this place" Hanseo said panicked.
"I know about that but I want your face as CEO my dear little brother," Hanseok said with a huge childish smile. Kiara just quietly heard them discussing about what Hanseok had on his mind. She knew Hanseo was happy hearing that, even though he had to work as Hanseok wanted, but still he was happy. Kiara was confused about how she had to feel about that, happy or sad suddenly Hanseok called her name, she blinked and then looked at them.
"So Kiara you gonna be his personal assistant from now on," Hanseok said to her. She got up from the sofa and said "no, I can't"
"And why you can't?" Hanseok asked.
Kiara looked at his face then at Hanseo then again at his face "look... I just got the job and I don't want to work in Babel also".
"Come on Hanseok just leave me from your family business"
"You are also our family Kiara". Hanseok said, "we spent our childhood together, and right now when mom and dad both left us we only have each other now".
She again sat on the sofa and said "but still I'm not going to work with you".
"I will make sure you will work as his personal assistant".

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now