28. Part-2

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"Han... Seok please not here" she told him with heavy breathing when he pushed himself into her holding her one leg over his shoulder with one hand holding her wrists over her head on the mattress "Just focus on me," Hanseok told her and pull himself out and thrust back with a force that made her cry, tears falling from her eyes "b be...d...room plea...se" she shuttered at her word when he did the same motion again, his face got close to hers he kissed her tears then kissed her lips as he thrusts, he pulled away from her lips and said as keeping his movement continue "I hate that I'm not the only one" he lick the area of her neck where he bite her "and that made me angry" he thrust become fast hand rougher than before, he saw her biting her lips to stop her moans and that annoyed him more.
he looked at the alter then to her fists clutched tightly eyes shut looking at other side of the room not even to him "I'm sure it's nothing to be ashamed of... After all he is dead" still she didn't looked at him nor replied to him as he smirked angrily "let me show you what is shameful thing we can do" he carefully picked her standing up on his feet her legs was automatically went around his waist and arms went around his neck scared to fall eyes was still shut tightly still he was inside her and going deeper when she moaned, he moved again "finally! I hear you moan" he whispered in her ear "but...you should not hold yourself back from the start Kiara" she bite her lips that even started to bleed she moaned again "too...dee...p" she moaned lost in the pleasure that he was giving her forgetting why she didn't give in before her back touched soft sheets she was on bed "now this is shameful" he said with chuckled 'what he doing?," She wondered and felt that he stopped moving she slowly opened her teary eyes seeing the same ceiling of room they were just few minutes ago and made her eyes got wide with fear she looked at Hanseok face and saw his smile eyes filled with anger, he saw her eyes widen and moved to him "isn't it shameful?" he said, "Hanseok..." She yelled sitting up with anger and realised what she did, he grabbed her neck while she covered her mouth with both hands looking at the other side of bed Hanseo back facing them, she heard his laugh in her ear, his lips lick her earlobe "stop that it's not funny" she said to him trying to get free from him handling her emotions inside her, he bite on her ear his grip on her neck got tighter "where are you trying to go, I am not finished with you" he told and in the blink of eyes her back touched the bed again and he was thrusting in and out mercilessly in her, she was covering her mouth with both hand blocking her voice, "look at me" he ordered her when she again tried to close her eyes, choking her, her hand went to grabbed his wrist, her eyes was red with tears but she knew very well how her body reacting to him how her body liked his every moment and touch, she also wanted to submitted to him but situation that he created for her making that hard for her she never even imagined doing that thing just next to sleeping Hanseo and things scared her what if he wake up and saw them, but the pleasure also was too much for her body even she didn't wanted to admit that, she bite her hand hard when she orgasm. Her mind was all blanked out as Han Seok continued ramming into her, chasing his own finish pulling out from her, He brought up a hand to run through Her hair; pushing it out of her face, and running his fingers through the smooth locks, nails catching at her scalp.
"Shshsh," Han Seok soothed, anger forgotten, and let go of her neck, He forced Her to let go as he intertwined their fingers together, then pinned the offending hand on the other side of the bed, and lean closer. "I have been feeling neglected by you"
"Hanseok..." She breathed, finally daring to look up at Him, and meeting a pleased smile. "Don't do this, I-I can't."
"And why not?" Han Seok questioned, not missing a beat. He leaned to press a kiss on her cheek. He was letting go of her neck completely, so he could run his hands all over her breasts squeezing them, fingers catching at the perked-up nipples, pinching and scratching and sucking them just to see her jutting up at the sensation. She couldn't stand his touch. She just couldn't stand how much she craved it, how much she liked the feeling of his body on her, his claiming mouth and dirty words, and his fiery gaze. She yearned for him and she would do anything to have it anytime but not this one next to sleeping Han-seo,
"Have a heart for fuck's sake," she said with a trembling voice, tears escalating her as he looked down at her, Han Seok ceasing all movement.
"Are you scared, Kiara?" He tilted his head in mock thought but show seriousness because he knew the answer very well. "Scared of me?"
"..No, it's not... like that," Kiara said in a choking tone.
"Do you love me, Kiara?"
"I do." She breathed out in a low whisper, Her voice felt trembled to him, 'I should be happy but why I'm feeling strangely cheated hearing her voice' Hanseok thought and leaned down, burying his nose in the warm skin, mouth brushing against the firm collarbone. Closing his eyes, breathed her in. "Kiara" he called her name in a low voice, "I know it's no one's fault but my own," she interrupted with a choked voice "But...this is too much Hanseok I... I..." She started to sob. Han Seok was quietly ready to hear her out, but after that nothing came from her mouth, seeing her eyes glanced at Hanseo Slowly, he moved back up, his body hovering over her naked one, his gaze was intense on her, He let out a deep sigh, grabbing her and flipping her over looking at her back "Aish! see what you did? I'm mad now." He said pulling her ass up in the air making her bend on her knees face on the pillow he enter her without warning her voice covered by the pillow she hold very tightly, humiliation burning in her chest. He bend over her back biting on her shoulder and reached down to squeeze her breast "I did everything for you, and I'm still doing but you..." He whispered in her ear holding her jaw and making her look at Hanseo back "Please stop that" Kiara plead, but he ignored her words and continue thrusting in her roughly "What do you want from me, Kiara? Hm?" His voice became cold as ice as he spoke. "I thought I told you, you have to like me more than anyone else. But you ignored my word like I'm nothing to you?"
he knew it was dangerous to give her this kind of ammunition, his heart on a silver platter, and the anger that would follow for speaking out of turn would do little to put a damper on her feelings, but he couldn't help it. Hanseok continued cruelly, "Tell you I'm sorry? And that I love you it's not enough for you?" How every time you are out of my sight I'm irritated, and once I see you, all I can think about is holding you down and fucking you, punishing you for ever daring to leave my side?" She had started panting heavily Han Seok whispered with intent. "Keep crying, come on- Want to know how I love seeing you like that marked by me and those brushed" he run his finger on her neck "So prettily colored, but if someone else dared to lay a hand on you now on, I'd break every single bone in their body" she groaning in time with Han Seo's gasped. After he was comfortably sheathed in her heat, Han Seok moved back, his cock sliding out totally before he slammed it in, feeling her body shake in his arms. After who knew what time he find her released her and pulled breathing heavily he flipped her again to face her like she was a feather, she was breathing eyes closed "She fainted wow" he chuckled and brushed her hair away from her face gently then his gaze went to Hanseo "are you really sleeping dongsaeng?" Hanseok asked but because of the lack of reply, he knew they didn't get caught by Hanseo. He sat there for a minute just staring at her then cursed himself "Fuck What have I done? This is terrible".

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now