5. Cruel to Kind.

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Thud Thud Thud Thud...
Kiara heard the door annoying got up and looked around she was in the living room on the sofa still in her yesterday dress, she runs fingers through her hair and rubbed her eyes 'Thud Thud Thud' she glanced at the door and got up from the sofa and lazily went to open the door first, she opened the door and met with Vincenzo Cassano standing at her doorstep wearing a white shirt and grey formal pant a paper bag in his hand "Mr. Cassano"
"Please call me Vincenzo," Vincenzo said looking her head to toe, she was a mess but still looking beautiful 'it is even possible to look beautiful in this condition' he thought "It's 7:15 now. Last night you said that 7 to 8 we can talk, so".
"Did you bring me food for the meeting too?" She asked innocently looking at the paper bag in his hand.
"Yeah it's breakfast," Vincenzo told her with a small smile just to look like the trustworthy person "so now can we talk?".
She glanced inside her flat then again at Vincenzo and finally decided to let him in she just left the door open and walked inside and grabbed her yesterday day stuff shifted them into the bedroom, when she walked out from the bedroom she saw Vincenzo looking around standing in the living room "it similar to mine".
"Sit, let me wash my face and brush my teeth" she walked to the bathroom. Vincenzo looked around the room but everything was too simple in the living room, not anything special or related to her life.
After ten minutes she walked outside the bathroom her hair was tied in a bun, and she was still in her workwear from yesterday she sat on the stool near the kitchen counter "my breakfast" she said looking at Vincenzo who was still standing near the table, he walked near to her sitting on the other stool next to her and put a paper bag on the table, from the paper bag he took two drinks and some sandwiches settled in the counter, "I buy that from nearby Store I hope you don't mind". She took one cup and a sandwich taking a bite of the sandwich she said to him "so ask what you want to ask?".
"Why are you living here?" He bites on his sandwich.
"I lived here before I got the job from Babel" she replied simply.
He raised his eyebrows not satisfied with the answer "is that so?".
"Are you not satisfied with my answer?" She saw his expression.
"What you want to hear...that I'm a spy?"
"Something like that"
"Maybe I am, but you know I sign the legal documents So you cannot force me to evacuate the house for two years if I'm paying the bills." She said with confidence "you know Vincenzo Cassano I actually care less about this plaza".
"Where are you from?" From nowhere he asked her. She looked at him with confusion she had already heard this question many times, but she didn't expect him to ask her that and she eyed him and answer him "I'm an orphan so I don't know...it's not like I wanted to know".
"But Why... I mean why you don't want to know who is your parents?" Now Vincenzo was curious about her, he wanted to know more about her.
"I don't think we are that close to talking about personal stuff Mr. Cassano," she said finishing her sandwich and getting off the stool.
"Then let's be friends, Miss Kiara," Vincenzo said with a smile. She smiled and walked toward the door.
"Our time is over Mr. Cassano I have work to do so you can leave now"
Vincenzo walked near to her with a smirk on his face "next time I will buy something better".
"Are sure there will be next- her phone rang on the table they both glanced at the table "she opened the door for him. And walked to the table she picked up the phone.
"Kiara, Babel bought the Plaza last night"
"Forcefully" she whispered yelled on the phone.
"Of course forcefully
She carefully listened to the other side. Vincenzo still stood at the door, looking at her expression change.
"Okay, I'll talk with them," she said on the phone. Then she looked at Vincenzo "bye" she said before pushing him out and locking the door behind him.
From another side of the phone, Hanseok asked "who is with you?"
"A Neighbor knocked on my door, nothing big".
"A Neighbour?"
She rolled her eyes "Someone got hurt?" She asked on the phone.
"Not now"
"What do you mean by not now?" She asked tapping his foot on the floor.
"I have a plan but it's not the reason I call you, make a call with the development committee of our company, and the rest of you know what to do.".
"My pretty little brother using his mind these days, but you know we have to clean the mess he made, so maybe I'm gonna hurt someone"
"Is that so"
"Just contact the development committee, Okay Kiara"
"Okay I will"

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