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He lifted her chin and looked at her tightly closed eyes "I didn't mean to remind you" he said with a concerned tone but held a smile on his face "I just wanted to tell you that I don't like other people" one tear escaped from her eye "so please try to avoid them" he wiped her tear with his thumb "I really don't want to do something I regret" she opened her eyes slowly and saw his smile "you know me better than anyone and... I know you better than everyone, you already know that" he stroked her hair lightly still smiling "yes" she said whispered but then suddenly Kiara felt pain Hanseok pulled her hair tightly, his grip got strong when she tried to remove his grip from her hair, "if you know me why the fuck you do that?" He saw her tears slipping from her eyes "you are not an idiot like him so why did you do that?".
"Han...seok stop..." She whined with pain, "I... I-
Suddenly he kissed her losing his grip on her hair, his hands went on her waist holding her tightly, pulling her closer to him, first few seconds Kiara struggle with his rough kiss but after that, she kissed back suddenly he lift her and sat on the table his hand went under her shirt feeling her smooth skin her hands were around his neck he broke the kiss she was out of breath, trying to control her heartbeat but without warning, he started to kiss on her neck opening her two upper buttons of a shirt he started to suck and biting she felt his hand on her thighs that slowly making his way to under her skirt she grabbed his hand before he went further "Hanseok stop" she told him but he just smirked and asked, "why?" Nibbling on her earlobe "we are in office" she replied biting her lips "doesn't matter to me" he said now looking into her eyes and sighing "yeah, I should stop now" he slowly button up her shirt and combed her hair with his hand "look how good boyfriend I am, so just avoid other guys" he told her creasing her waist in slow motion.
"Hanseok... I... I-" she started to say but Hanseok Shushed her "don't... don't say something I don't want to hear something that make me Angry" he released her from his grip "by the way tell Hanseo I'm left" he pinched on her cheek with a childish smile "enjoy your lunch with my little brother".

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now