52, part 2

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As Kiara slowly woke up, she felt something heavy around her. Her eyes widened when she realized Hanseok's arm was wrapped around her tightly as he slept. She could feel his soft breath on her head and it made her heart ache. She quickly wiggled herself out of his arm and walked towards the balcony, wanting to escape from the warmth and intimacy of his touch.

The soft rays of the sun touched her skin and she closed her eyes, trying to calm her racing heart. She took a deep breath and let out a sigh. She didn't want to be here, in this moment, feeling so conflicted. But as she opened her eyes, she felt two arms wrapping around her from behind, resting his chin on her head.

"Did you sleep well?" Hanseok's husky voice broke the silence, making her heart skip a beat. She didn't reply to him, not wanting to give in to him so easily. But he waited patiently for her answer as if he could read her mind. When she still didn't respond, he changed the question.

"What is your nightmare about?" He asked, his voice soft and gentle. But again, she didn't reply to him. She was afraid that if she spoke, she would break down. She didn't want to let him see her vulnerable side. She was still mad at him, after all.

Hanseok turned her around, his strong hands still holding her waist. He looked at her with such tenderness and love in his eyes that Kiara's heart fluttered. She wasn't used to seeing this side of him. He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, making her heart skip a beat once more.

He leaned in again, this time pressing his lips to hers in a gentle kiss. Kiara's heart raced as he cupped her face in his hands, deepening the kiss. She couldn't resist him any longer and found herself wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

"Are you sure you don't want to answer me?" Hanseok whispered against her lips. "I'm not gonna ask about nightmares, but at least say something to me." Kiara just stared at him, torn between her anger and her love for him. She didn't want to admit it, but she missed him. She missed him so much it hurt.

"Maybe I should apply another way," Hanseok said, a hint of playfulness in his voice. He leaned in and started to tickle her, causing Kiara to let out a loud laugh. She tried to push him away, but he was too strong for her. Soon, they were both on the floor, laughing and playfully wrestling.

But then, they stopped as they heard a faint sound. They turned to see Hanseo standing at the bedroom door, probably shocked to see them together after ignoring each other for so long. But before he could say anything, Hanseok smiled mischievously and said,  "Oh my dear brother, come here," beckoning Hanseo to them.  Hanseo hesitated but eventually obeyed his brother, walking towards them. But before he could understand what was happening, Hanseok grabbed his arm and pulled him down to the floor with them. He started to tickle Hanseo, who couldn't stop himself from giggling and squirming under his brother's touch.

"I'm not surprised you're still ticklish," Hanseok said between laughs. They were all laughing as he tickled Hanseo, forgetting their anger towards each other. But soon, they were all lying on the floor, catching their breaths.

"I'll take a bath and make some breakfast today. I'm in the mood," Hanseok said as he got up from the floor and helped Hanseo up as well. "And today, my little brother is going to accompany me." A wide smile spread across his face.

"I'll have to get ready too," Kiara said as she sat on the floor.

"Are you going somewhere?" Hanseok asked, genuinely interested.
Kiara raised an eyebrow at him and asked, "Now you're interested in where I'm going?"
Hanseok pouted at her and said, "Come on, forgive me already."

"You're not forgiven at all," she replied, but a small smile played on her lips. "Hospital for monthly check-up."

"Oh, by the way, I changed your bodyguard," Hanseok told her. "And take Hanseo with you. And if I have time, I'll come to pick you both and maybe have lunch at some good place too."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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