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Hanseo was nervous out of his wit he didn't want to see his brother not now at least, but he also knew if things work out or not between them, one of them going to call him to come over, now standing outside of the Vila front of the door he hesitates to open it, he remembered how she gave him priority no one else but him, he liked it when her boyfriends broke up with her every time because he came first for her no matter what he was the first person she cares for but he couldn't win against Hanseok no matter, even he was in covered in blood she still didn't hesitate to touch him, even he was out of control she couldn't leave him, he still remembers how she stood against father without thinking just to save Hanseok and he was just standing at the door staring at them with teary eyes, he was not like them.
The door cracked open and Hanseok's little messy head peaked outside the door looking at him make him out of his train of thought "Something wrong namdongsaeng?" He asked Hanseo, "No hyung,".
Hanseok smiled "Then come in don't just stand, it's getting little cold outside" he walked inside leaving the door open for him, he got inside locking the door behind him, he looked around when he stepped into the living room "She is sleeping, I think she didn't sleep properly past few days," Hanseok said from the kitchen, Hanseo nodded at his word not knowing if he saw his gesture or not, "go wake her up dinner is almost ready," Hanseok told him, Han-seo
take a step but changed the direction when he heard Hanseok word "in my room".
"Of course your room" he mumbled with greeted teeth he opened the bedroom door walking toward the bedside her hair was peaking outside the blanket he brushed her hair out of her face and without realizing a smile formed on his lips.
'It's not that I'm not attracted to Kiara. Sure, on some level. She is beautiful, no argument is needed. She have a small frame but had things to die for, big eyes and a waterfall of dark silky hair I like to just hold between my fingers sometimes.' he let go of her hair and called out for her "Kiara wake up" She changed her sleeping position a little bit didn't open her eyes 'I'd lie if I'd say I never thought about her in that way but our friendship that relationship is always more important than some affair with her. Those were just thoughts...just wondering thoughts. We never crossed the line, I wasn't even sure she'd like to cross that line with me. Well except for that one time when she kissed me in my office, she was much more than a pretty face to me more than an assistant, friend; a family...we were Han Seo and Kiara, and no one could come between us. Ever.'
He shook her body a little harshly and that's work she opened her eyes "Hanseo"
"Come on have dinner then you are free to sleep more," he said to her she sit up on the bed stretching her arms he noticed her clothes change not one she wore in the morning when she left him 'probably Hanseok who else would be' he walked back to door "wash your face then come out," he told her before exiting the bedroom and met with Hanseok who was just standing outside the bedroom leaning on the wall next to the door, he looked at him with his silly expression "isn't it hurts you to see her with me?" Hanseok asked looking curiously at his face and folding his arm on his chest, "why could I be hurt by that" Hanseo said with a laugh "Is that so" Hanseok said straight up leaving the wall he took one step close to him they only had one step gap between them "Don't you like her?" Another question that almost stop Hanseo's heartbeat "Of course, I like her hyung" Hanseo replied with a smile "She is part of our family" he was nervous and scared by his brother asking him those questions from nowhere he had to answer them very carefully because the look of Hanseok was not cold not hot, so he didn't know what he was getting into, Hanseok sigh "let me get it straight, do you-" he didn't get the chance to finish his question they rushed in the bedroom when they heard the loud 'THUD' noise from the room Hanseok was the first one who entered the room Hanseo was just one step behind him and they saw the lump of the bedsheet on the floor and a small leg only visible
From the lump, Hanseok hurried both sat on the floor in front of the lump bedsheet and with just one movement of Hanseok's hand Kiara's body reviled from under the sheets she looked up at both Hanseo immediately looked away from her with the red face she looked confused by his action until Hanseok covered her upper body with sheets again the shirt he gave him after shower to wear now lost the three or four buttons "are you hurt?" Hanseok asked, "No" she replied simply "Just my leg stuck in the sheet when I trying to get up and I fell"
"How in the world grownup women do that," he said mockingly then he noticed that Hanseo was still looking in the other direction "You can look now," he told him and Hanseo slowly turned his head and looked at her "Nothing hurting right?" Hanseo asked and she nodded with a small smile "So now move" she said and started to get up from the floor holding the sheet around her body, "can you arrange the dining table we are coming in a while" he told him, Hanseo just simply got up with nod "of course hyung" he said and started to walk toward the door and stepped outside before closing the door behind he looked inside their direction he couldn't say he was feeling hurt or not but Seeing his brother so close to her was simply unsettling.
After a while, they came Hanseo just finished setting the last dish on the table, and now she was wearing Hanseok's grey hoodie that work as a dress for her, Hanseok pull the chair for her and helped her to sit like a gentleman, Hanseo never see his brother doing that for her ever, he seated on the chair opposite side of Kiara facing her and Hanseok sat on the head side of the table in the middle and said with excitement "eat well I cook all your favorite dishes," his excited voice gave Hanseo a creepy feeling 'does he mocking me?' Hanseo thought but didn't react and replied calmly "Thank you hyung" he dig in the food that Hanseok served him, he didn't like his older brother's kindness at all 'Don't don't don't do this, after calling me a puppet, useless, bastard, telling how you hate me because I'm stupid, don't please don't show your this side to me not again, I don't want to believe you not anymore, so stop' he was debating himself inside that he forget that the other two were watching him, Hanseo attention went to the dining table when Hanseok grabbed his wrist his eyes met with Kiara who was looking at him with worried eyes "are you alright?" Hanseok's voice echoed in his ears he turned his attention to him "Yeah, sorry" he said Hanseok released his hand "Are you thinking something?" Hanseok asked, Hanseo picked up the chopsticks and replied with a forced smile "Don't worry hyung just work".
"It's about gemuze plaza demolition?"
Hanseo looked down and replied, "I'm still looking into this sorry sir".
"I didn't expect much from you so don't stress yourself too much".
"I'll try my best sir just-"
"Enough with this conversation will you two" Kiara's voice rung in their ears and they stopped talking for a second
"Hanseo do you know Kiara is pregnant, you going to be an uncle in nine months," Hanseok said with a smile, Hanseo and Kiara shared a look then suddenly Hanseo laughed "This is really awesome news hyung, I should congratulate myself after all I am going to be an uncle"
"That's the spirit Hanseo, I'm really happy seeing you soo happy about that"

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now