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Kiara was in a hurry, checking her phone while still in her night pajamas. She couldn't believe she overslept, and now she was running late to meet Hanseok at the ice skating stadium why he even want to meet her there? She wondered As she hurried down the stairs she knew all the good memories of ice rink is faded from her mind and only terrible one is left, she quickly fixed her hair and put on her sneakers.

When the car stopped, she quickly got out and ran towards the entrance of the stadium but running is little better bit difficult for her so her speed his still slow well at least She was glad she had chosen to wear sneakers instead of high heels, as it would have been difficult to run in them. The guard at the entrance gave her a strange look as she rushed past him, but Kiara didn't pay attention. She had to see Hanseok. As she entered the ice skating rink, her eyes immediately caught sight of Hanseok in his gears, gliding smoothly on the ice. He looked so graceful and in control, and Kiara couldn't help but felt tensed at the sight.

But then, her eyes caught the sight of Hanseo, standing in his tuxedo with Choi Myunghee and Han Seung, who was on his knees.

Before she could process what was happening, Hanseok's voice echoed in the rink. "You should wear some warm clothes," he said, his eyes fixed on her. Everyone acknowledged her presence, and Hanseok skate towards her, signaling her to come closer. She walked towards him, and he extended his free hand for her to take. She did, and he slowly led her towards the others. But as soon as he released her hand, Hanseo immediately covered her with his coat. Kiara looked at Hanseok and felt his eyes mocking her.

"Sir," Mr. Han tried to speak, but Hanseok's hand made him stop. He looked at him with terror in his eyes, as Hanseok spoke up. "Do you know why you're on your knees?" Mr. Han opened his mouth, but then closed it again, unable to form words.

He looked at others, and then at Han who was still kneeling in front of him. Hanseok's stick landed on Han's leg, and Hanseo's hand tightened around Kiara's shoulder.
"I caught the attacker," he said, his voice low and menacing. "It was Mr. Han Seung Hyuk, the one who paid them."

Kiara's eyes widened in shock, and she looked at Hanseo, who looked equally shocked. Mr. Han immediately denied it, but Hanseok's stick landed on his shoulder as he looked down on him. "I know it couldn't be you. Someone must have told you to do this," Hanseok said, his voice still filled with rage. "I'll spare you if you tell me the real culprit."

"I don't know, I didn't do anything, I swear," Mr. Han pleaded with him, fear evident in his voice.

"Wrong answer," Hanseok smirked, lifting his hockey stick ready to hit Mr. Han's head. But before he could strike, Mr. Han spoke up in a panicked voice.

"It's Jang Hanseo," Mr. Han confessed, his eyes shifting towards Hanseo.

Hanseok stopped and looked at his brother, disbelief written all over his face. "It's not me," Hanseo pleaded with him, his voice panicked. "He's lying, you know I love you. I couldn't do that ever."

"My dear brother," Hanseok moved closer to Hanseo. "You have a gun," he said, his voice dangerously low. Hanseo didn't reply to him, and Hanseok continued, "If it's not you, then shoot him." Hanseo's eyes darted from Hanseok to Kiara. She could see the conflicting emotions in his eyes

"Hanseok, just stop this," she pleaded, but Hanseok ignored her. He was too focused on getting Hanseo to shoot

"If it's not you, then shoot him," Hanseok said, and for a moment, there was a tense silence. Finally, Hanseo couldn't take it anymore. He snatched the gun from his coat pocket and aimed it at Mr Han's head.

"Kill him, before I kill you," Hanseok's voice was cold as he spoke.

Hanseo's hand shook uncontrollably as he aimed the gun at Mr Han, but he couldn't pull the trigger. Suddenly, Kiara snatched the gun from his hands and immediately fired a bullet into Mr Han's leg. He screamed in pain, and Hanseo looked at Kiara in shock.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now