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Kiara stepped outside the room when she heard the door unlocking sound but Hanseok didn't come into the room like he usually did. Outside the bedroom, lights were off and there was no sign of anyone. She was about to call out but she stopped when Vincenzo stepped out from the dark corner. She gasped and stepped back, feeling her heart thumping in her chest.
Vincenzo, with an arrogant smirk on his face, said, "Oh... I forgot, you and Joon-Woo living together now."
Kiara shot him a glare and yelled, "What the fuck are you doing here?"
Vincenzo replied in a devious tone, "I know exactly who Joon Woo really is... Can't you tell who he is?"
Kiara's face turned pale and she could feel her heart racing. She never imagined Vincenzo to act like that.
Vincenzo went on, looking her up and down darkly, "I was wondering how you really fell for a silly attorney like him. But it's clear you knew who he was all along, He loves you a lot, isn't he? I bet he'd do anything to protect you." Kiara's heart sank as she realized he had figured out Hanseok's identity and he wanted to use her for Hanseok's downfall. She quickly composed herself and stood up, trying to sound brave. She was trembling but refused to show fear. She said with all the strength she had, "Shut your mouth and get lost."
Vincenzo smirked. "I have a good idea that will make Jang Joon Woo confess who he is and his crimes," he said with an angry face. Before Kiara could react, he grabbed her arm She screamed and tried to fight back but he was too strong, he injected her with a syringe, sending her into unconsciousness. He picked her up and started carrying her out of the house


Hanseok slammed the phone on the desk, anger coursing through his veins. He had received a message from the least expected person about Kiara going missing. He was about to make a call when his other phone started ringing. He picked it up and heard the panicked voice of Hanseo.
"Hyung, she's not here but her phone is. Do you know where she is?" His voice shaking with fear.
Hanseok sighed, trying to remain calm, he replied, "Don't worry, I have someone who is looking for her."
Hanseo gasped. "Looking for her? What does that mean? Did you hurt her that she ran away or something else?"
Hanseok's blood boiled hearing his accusation. "Of course not. Relax, I am trying to think here... (sigh) She's not on the run or anything. I just received information that she has been kidnapped."
Hanseo sounded shocked "Kidnapped? How could you be so relaxed about that?"
Hanseok clenched his fists, his voice growing angry. "Don't raise your voice at me. Do you really think I'm not worried about her? That you think so low of me? Just hang up and go back to your home, don't do anything stupid on your own. I promise she will be home before midnight.'
Hanseok hung up the phone, frustrated. He immediately called the other person. it was answered immediately "What do you want?" a gruff voice asked from the other side.
"Cut the bullshit and tell me where she is!" Hanseok said in an angry tone.
"I know where she is. I'm going to save her," the man replied.
"I can do it myself. Just tell me where she is," Hanseok said.

Man's voice came back with a heavy sigh. "Geez! There's someone in your house. Get rid of him. I'll drop Kiara off to you after saving her. Don't worry," Man's voice said.
Hanseok's face darkened with rage. "What do you think I'm doing? What kind of person do you take me for? I'm not just gonna sit here and do nothing! I'm coming with you and let's be clear, I'm not coming to help. I'm coming to get back what's mine"

You don't have to get involved in this. You just stay put and I'll drop Kiara off to you." Man told him "Just go home and find out what that person wants, I'm going to head there now and try to save her. you understand what I'm trying to say, Now I'm hanging up I'm riding right now" Hanseok cursed inwardly as he put his phone down He knew he had to think quickly, he grabbed his coat and made his way towards the door.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now