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As the officer spoke, Kiara remained quiet, her eyes fixed on Vincenzo and Cha-young as they made their exit from the room. Hanseok glanced at her. She also looked at him As he winked at her, she gave him a small nod and a warm smile. But as soon as he turned his attention back to the officer, her expression turned serious.

She knew that Hanseo was in deep thought, contemplating his actions and the consequences they would bring. Suddenly, he got up from his seat and made a shocking confession. He had been the one who had ordered the anti-union activities, not Hanseok as everyone had believed. Kiara let out a sigh and shook her head, knowing that Hanseo was just trying to protect his brother.

But before he could say anything else, she called out his name, her voice was firm. He looked at her, his expression pained and guilty. Without hesitation, she reached out and held his hand, her touch providing a sense of comfort and reassurance. "Sit down, Hanseo," she said softly. And he did as she asked, his gaze never leaving hers.

Hanseok couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as he watched their intimate moment. He loved both Hanseo and Kiara dearly, but sometimes he couldn't help but feel envious of their closeness. But as he watched them, he couldn't bring himself to interrupt or separate them.

Just then, the chief prosecutor entered the room and the tension broke. They were free to go, and as they walked out, Hanseok couldn't help but stare at the two people who meant the most to him. He couldn't imagine his life without them, and he promised himself that he would do everything in his power to protect them.

As they left the room, Kiara's hand still firmly grasped in his, Hanseok couldn't help but feel insecure. He may be a cruel psychopath, but he had found solace and love in the arms of his Kiara And in that moment when he saw her with one person he couldn't able to to separate from her without hurting one of them. He hated to admit it but he was scared of Hanseo more than any other guy in Kiara matter, he knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would do whatever it took to keep them by his side without destroying his family.


As they all gathered in the meeting room, discussing the latest developments in their business, Hanseok couldn't help but watch how Hanseo and Kiara interacted with each other. They were like two peas in a pod, always by each other's side. And that made Hanseok's blood boil with a fierce jealousy that he couldn't quite understand.

But as they left the room, Hanseok's emotions hit him like a tidal wave. Seeing Kiara's hand firmly grasped in Hanseo's, watching them walk side by side as if they didn't have a care in the world, made Hanseok's heart race with a mix of anger and fear. He knew Hanseo loved Kiara, and he also knew that Kiara was oblivious to Hanseo's feelings. But that didn't stop the sickening feeling of jealousy that consumed him.

He caught up to them quickly, his eyes darkening as he placed his hand on Kiara's back, silently warning Hanseo to stay away. Kiara seemed to be oblivious to the tense atmosphere between the two brothers, but Hanseok knew that Hanseo would never make a move on Kiara. He was too scared of Hanseok's wrath.

As they walked, Hanseok's mind was filled with thoughts and conflicting emotions. He couldn't stand the thought of Hanseo being close to Kiara, but he also couldn't imagine his life without her. It was a constant battle in his mind, one that he was losing as each day passed.

But as they reached their destination, Hanseok took a deep breath and pushed away his insecurities. Hanseo was just a puppet what he could even do he thought. he couldn't let anyone or anything come between him and what he desired. And in that moment, he had to remind himself that he wanted Kiara, no matter what the cost. She was his solace, his love, and he would do whatever it took to keep her by his side, even if it meant destroying his dream project.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now