17. Song Kang

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Kiara entered the cafe looking around for Kang but she didn't saw him there neither anyone else in the cafe she checked the location than Hanseok send her meeting, location was correct again she looked around the empty cafe seats that was strange for she was used to ce here here when she was in college usually this cafe filled with Student everytime suddenly her phone started to rung she saw the caller id with neutral expression but didn't picked up the call, then the bell on the door ring she looked at the door and saw him smiling at her waving his phone in his hand at her Kiara just stood at one spot looking at him in his black and grey suit walking toward her.

Kiara entered the cafe looking around for Kang but she didn't saw him there neither anyone else in the cafe she checked the location than Hanseok send her meeting, location was correct again she looked around the empty cafe seats that was strange ...

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He stood in the front of her looking in his phone screen and again Kiara phone rung he smiled with satisfaction "you still have same number," he said hanging up the call "I thought I'm disturbing someone else".
"Nice to meet you Mr Song" Kiara greeted him, he chuckled "wow, Mr Song, you never called me like that before, it give me goosebumps, look" he said showing his hand to her pulling sleeves upward "Do I also have to call you Ms Kiara?"
"I guess we should do what we're here for" Kiara replied plainly she didn't even looked at him, "oh yeah coisanic, let's take seat Ms Kiara" Kang said motioning his hand toward seat near the window "Anyway, it is clearly visible that you are not happy with me at all." He took the seat eyes on his phone screen typing something Kiara took seat opposite of him "You were happy with me when we were in college" he said still looking at phone screen with serious face.
"Now those days don't mean anything to me" Kiara replied with blank face setting her bag next to her, he glanced at her face for a second looking up from phone screen with smirk "you always behave that cold or just with me?".
She ignored his word completely "we need more amount of coisanic"
He put down his phone on table and said "We are here together after a long time, wouldn't you like to order something?"
"I have a lot of work do after this meeting, so let's talk about main things" she said still with blank expression, he chuckled looking at her face "You are very good at making me sad, don't you think,?" He loses his tie "We are meeting after so many years but look at you, you didn't even have the mercy to ask me how I am, I didn't do anything bad with you if I remember." She looked at him his tone of speaking changed all of sudden but she still she didn't gave any reaction "Maybe I was a fool but now I understand that I was never important to you, Hanseo always is your first priority and still is" again his usual tone came when he said that "my assistant already did all the work we just increased the amount for drugs and for other ones too, pay and receive "I have sent the details of the amount on your phone, you can see." She saw the file that he send her "okay, I'll discuss that with my team then I'll inform you" Kiara told him getting up from the seat taking her bag "goodbye Mr Song" she bowed a little ready to leave but stopped when he called her name "Kiara" she looked at him "I'm sorry" she said again bowing, he smiled standing up "huh! Don't need to do that I don't need your apologize, I just wanted to see you that all" she stood straight but still avoiding his gaze "just don't ignore me anymore Kiara" he said.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now