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I searched for Jang Hanseok fanfiction but I just barely found anything

So, I tried to write one.
I hope you all gonna like it. And feel free to give me suggestions and comments on anything.

[Bold letters indicate that someone says in English,
And my grammar may be a little weak if you find any mistakes please tell me in the comments.]

⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆

Kiara's heels taping on the hospital lobby when she walked hurriedly, she turned to the right corridor and saw at the end of the corridor standing a pale-looking figure staring at the hospital room door with terrifying eyes, he was wearing a v-neck brown sweater and blue pants and glasses, his hand is shaking, she walked near to him. He heard her heels tapping on the empty corridor of the hospital, he turned his head to look at the approaching figure.

"Hanseo, is everything alright?" She asked with a worried expression.
"Kiara, Hanseok is back," he said in a low voice, that if they were not standing close to each other she might not hear him.

Kiara lived with them until high school, Hanseok's mother always keep her close, and even though she never adopted her officially from her orphanage but still, she kept her close, she paid for her education and send her to the same school Hanseok and Hanseo went. Kiara still remembers that how Mrs. Jang broke when she heard about Hanseok, how she plead and begged her husband to stop him from sending Hanseok away from her. How hard she tried to connect with Hanseok.
Hanseo and her both stood at the door peeking in the room, inside the living room Mr. Jang standing at front of her wife who was seated in the armchair with tears in her eyes he looking at her with a cold expression and Hanseok was seated in the sofa looking at his father with a blank expression, they just had argued with each other, for what Hanseok become a psychopath..., Mrs. Jang tried to convince her husband that she will do everything for Hanseok, she will cure Hanseok but he said that he can't be cured by anyone, he just become a shame for the family. He is a monster.
Hanseo and Kiara held each other hands tightly scared staring at elders who yelling at each other. Suddenly Hanseok's eyes caught sight of them they also noticed Hanseok looking at them, Hanseok smiled at them and even wink at them.

Kiara opened her mouth to say something but at that moment hospital room door opened reveling Hanseok wearing a hoody he looked at them "Kiara you came finally, come in, he is gone" he said then turned around again walking inside the room eating some jellybears.
Hanseo was nervous Kiara knew that she hold his hand he looked down at her face she lightly squeezed his palm assuring him that everything going to be alright.
"Why are you both still standing there?" Hanseok asked with raised eyebrows looking at their joined hands. They both walked together and stood next to Mr. Jang's bed suddenly Kiara looked at her other and saw Hanseok's large hand holding her hand very softly she looked up at him, and he smiled at her, then turned his head to gaze at his brother sad face "Dongsaeng," he called him with a soft voice "Don't be sad for him, he doesn't deserve your tears".

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now