15. Confession

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Vincenzo waiting for Kiara outside his apartment thinking 'Today I met the man in the police station who picked up Kiara in the morning he looked like an idiot to me just an ordinary intern, he just had height except that he don't have anything at all, I am handsome than him, definitely intelligent than him and about Kiara she is short really short she didn't need a giant in her life, I just have to make her fall in love with me than I'll tell her everything about me, just I need time with her, I have charm she will going to fall for me.' he heard the heels taping on the floor he looked at the direction where sound coming from and saw Kiara looking tired walking near she stared at her phone but she just stared, "Kiara" he called her, she looked up from her phone screen to him "you look tired".
"Yeah I'm tired" Kiara replied to him "what are you doing outside?".
"I'm Waiting for you" Vincenzo replied to her, she smiled "how sweet of you" she moved toward her door and his eyes followed her every move she took the key out from her jacket pocket "Kiara did you have dinner?" He asked she looked at him and smiled "let's order something" she said putting the keys back in her pocket "it is your treat" she walked and stood at his door waiting for him, he smiled and unlocked the door and let her in she looked around "wow everything looks same as my apartment" she said and make herself comfortable on the sofa, he looked at her and asked "what you want to eat?",
"Anything is fine"
He ordered Then sat next to her "so how's your day?" He asked, "fine" she replied he was about to say something but Kiara's phone rung he saw Babel CEO photo on caller id she picked up the call "yes, I have reached home," she said, Vincenzo started to play with his phone to avoid awkwardness but he was hearing their conversation "Don't worry, I'm fine, just going to have dinner. No order from outside." she said talking on the phone she paused hearing the other side he glanced at her "Don't forget to eat dinner, don't worry unnecessarily, I'll take care of everything okay" again paused then finally she said goodbye and hung up the call she looked at him and saw he was just doing something on his phone. They talked about random things and then their order arrived they had dinner then she left his apartment And went o her she unlocked the door and saw lights on and Hanseok was seated on the sofa staring at her "where were you so late?" He asked her getting up from the sofa "I was waiting for you" he approached her she took a deep breath and locked the door "how long have you been here?" She asked hiding her nervousness she walked passed him and put her bag on the table next to Hanseok's bag "I came to a while ago, luckily" he turned to look at her, she walked inside the bathroom, and asked from inside "did you have dinner?"
"Yes, and you?" He asked, "me too" she replied he heard water flowing after a while she got out of the bathroom and saw Hanseok drinking water he put down the bottle on the kitchen counter and walked toward her he stood in front of her and said "So I wanted to say in the morni-
She didn't let him finish his sentence she asked "why are you here?" Her voice was cold as she moved toward the kitchen counter ignoring him. He chuckled "I want to tell you that I lo-
"Don't say you love me" she cut his sentence off glaring at him hiding her shaking hand behind the counter. "I asked you soo many times if you love me but you always refused, and always say you can't... love" one tear fell from her eye he opened his mouth to reply but she said again "from the start you always behave like you care about me...love me and I always asked you if you did but you always refused and now...why Hanseok why?"
"I was scared Kiara" he confessed looking at her eyes that was teary and red he knew she was shaking while saying those things "I am scared becouse you...make me weak" he walked to her truned her body to face himself he grabbed her waist and lifted her body and seated her on the kitchen counter he felt she tensed by his sudden touch he lifted her chin so she could look at him and said "but now I'm not scared even if you are my weakness" he slowly leaned closer to her face, one hand still holding her chin and other on her waist "he glanced at her eyes, her red eyes staring at him intensely he shifted his gaze to her lips he got more closer he waited for her to push him back or react but nothing came so he put his lips to her lips tasting her lips he closed his eyes Kiara hand sneaked around his neck gentle that encouraged him for moving forward he bite her lip asking for entrence she did gave him he explore her mouth slowly with his tongue, sucking her tongue slowly he parted from her lips breathing, she breathing heavily still eyes close lips slightly parted here creased her waist gently he lean closed to ear and said "you know I'm not going to take any NO for an answer" she slowly opened her eyes he stood straight between her legs with smile looking at her "even if you love someone else is doesn't matter now, you are mine Kiara"

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now