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Hanseok bring the glass of water for Kiara and handed her the glass she took the glass, he sat down on the couch next to her "What did the doctor say?" He asked her looking at her hands holding the glass between her hand "he just got panicked, and the doctor say maybe really stressed, he needs to see some psychiatrist"
"Hmm" he chuckled and took the glass out from her hand and put it down on the table and told her "you know we can't take him to a psychiatrist, they ask a lot of unnecessary questions and also I think he is good, work always give stress so there is nothing to be Worry"
She looked at him with worried eyes "but-"
"Shush... I'll do something to reduce some of his problems. okay, don't you worry so much I won't let anything happen to both of you, promise" he smiled extending his pinky finger toward her to seal the promises, she looked at his finger "we are not children anymore" but still she did what he wanted. "Now look at me properly I really miss you" she rolled her eyes and pushed him playfully he smiled widely "and Kiara don't hit me again, maybe next time I'll get angry".


The next morning when Kiara woke up she only find Hanseo at the apartment Hanseok was already left, and the note, was on the dining table she saw the note and smiled.

The next morning when Kiara woke up she only find Hanseo at the apartment Hanseok was already left, and the note, was on the dining table she saw the note and smiled

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Time skip

"Really that's happened," she said laughing and talking on the phone "she is really something else", she was walking on the sidewalk that lead to the plaza.
"Yup she is, if you are there I bet you weren't able to stop yourself for laughing"
"but don't forget we are against her," she said.
"Yeah yeah, our lawyer working their ass off"
"It means you working your ass off" she laughed, but soon laughter was dead when she spotted Kang leaning on his car in front of the plaza.
"So funny huh?, Here I'm working two times on two different things and you are laughing at me"
"Hey I'm just teasing you, don't get upset," she told him, her eyes were on Kang who also spotted at and waves his hand toward her with a smile.
"Kiara I have little work left so I'll call later okay"
Kang started to walk in her direction still smiling, "okay" she replied, Kang stopped in front of her "bye Kiara" Hanseok said from the other side of the phone.
"Bye Hanseok" she replied he hung up the call.
"You are talking with Hanseok, is he still in America?" Kang asked looking at the phone in her hand "did you block my number?" She didn't reply to him she just stared at his face his eyes also shifted from her phone to her face he chuckled and said: "I'm handsome I know that but still just don't stare say something at least".
Kiara snapped back to reality looking away from him "why are you here?" She asked coldly, "you didn't pick up my call, so I think is good if I visit, that's why I'm here" he replied playfully.
"Hey Kiara" they both looked left at the voice and saw Vincenzo walking toward them, Vincenzo looked at him up and down, and Kang also did the same "do you know him?" They both asked the same question to her at the same time "yeah...yeah I know, he is Kang Song my friend" she said pointing at Kang then she pointed at Vincenzo "and he is Vincenzo Cassano my friend and neighbor" Vincenzo extended his hand to shake with Kang they both shake hands "I'm also his ex-boyfriend" Kang said when they released hand, "oh!" Vincenzo chuckled "you are lucky she is still talking with you most of the girls don't like to talk to their ex," Vincenzo said. "Indeed I'm very lucky" said
Kang and looked back at Kiara with a smile "By the way Kiara let's have Dinner I'm hungry" Kang said to her and was about to hold her hand but stopped when he heard Vincenzo saying "so where we are going?" He looked at him with a sore face "I didn't invite you"
"And I'm not asking you" Vincenzo replied and they both looked at Kiara who was just standing with them with a poker face "let go then" Vincenzo took her palm in his hand taking her with him Kang chuckled annoyingly looking at their hands.
The three seated in the private room in the restaurant waiting for their order to arrive.
"Why are you living at that plaza?" Kang asked her, Vincenzo's attention also went to her "I never thought Hanseok ever gonna let you live in a place like that".
"You have nothing to do with this" Kiara replied with a straight face, he smirked "You are still as mean as before, any way you never care about anyone other than those two," he said, Vincenzo just stared at her face to know what she was thinking but she just looked at Kang one time just for two second nothing else "I'm here with you, talking to you, that's enough I think" Kiara replied and the food arrived "she is right, she still talking with you and that's enough," Vincenzo said with a smile, Kang chuckled and asked sipping the wine "do you know why we broke up?" He also glanced at Kiara but she was just quietly eating "Hanseo was always important to Kiara, she never paid attention to anyone other than him," he again glanced at her to see her reaction but her face didn't have any expression at all "I used to like Kiara very much during college time, I used to think that I am special because she was my girlfriend, but still when she put Hanseo first and Hanseok was a different case, I used to get very jealous, angry, but when I was trying to call Kiara standing in front of my father's grave Then I realized that I had to be better than Hanseo" he smirked "Since then we had stopped talking and probably that was the breakup" Vincenzo understood 'what was the actual problem but yeah Kiara was close with Jang family she probably going to give them priority' "But you already knew they were close like family, so it's weird to break up because of that." Vincenzo said to him,
"Family huh! You know Hanseok and I were in the same class in school, if you knew him you wouldn't say that, Am I right Kiara?" Kang laughed this time looking at Kiara and suddenly her phone rung now they both looked at her she without giving them a single glance she picked up the call "hey Hanseo"
Kang looked at Vincenzo with a smirk she got up and looked at them "thanks for dinner" and then she left both men alone.
"You like her aren't you?" Kang asked Vincenzo taking a bite of food "It's not easy maintaining a relationship with her... certainly not while Hanseo is in her life".
"You don't need to worry about that, I'll take care of everything." Vincenzo told him with a sightless smile, "I know who you are Vincenzo Cassano," he made eye contact with him, Kang said "I give you advice because what you want to get is not that easy, you can even lose your life". Vincenzo replied with a serious face "If you really knew me, you wouldn't have said that" he got up "And yes, if this is a threat, then let me tell you that I am not afraid of you"
"Threat? Huh!" Again Kang chuckled "Try as much as you can Cassano, but remember you don't know who she is"

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now