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Kiara felt the darkness around her as she slowly opened her eyes, her wrists and ankles were tied to a chair, in a small, windowless room. Vincenzo was standing in the corner, and he staring at her as she struggled.
She tried her best to keep her composure, but she could feel her anger growing inside her. She glared up at Vincenzo, hatred in to keep me here, then shut your fucking mouth!" Vincenzo's lip twitched in annoyance but he stayed silent. He stepped closer to her "I'm not going to let him get away with what he did, even if it means going against the law. We have to make sure that justice is done," he said in a cold voice.
"What do you want?" Kiara demanded. "Let me Get out of here you bastard!"
Vincenzo grinned maliciously. "I have a good idea that will make Jang Joon Woo confess who he is and all his crimes. I'm sure you don't want to do it with me, but you don't have a choice."
Kiara had to stop herself from snarling in disbelief. "I don't care what you want from him or me," she said, a hint of sorrow in her voice. "I should have listened to him..." she mumbled, shaking her head.
Vincenzo's cold eyes seemed to smolder with jealousy. He stepped forward, his voice barely a whisper as he said, "You will wish you had listened to him. Because what I have planned for him will be far worse than anything you could ever imagine." he turned and walked away, leaving her standing there, but as he passed the door two men entered the room.


Kang has his man to keep an eye on the Hanseok apartment he got the information with video footage he could stop them there but he chose the opposite he let them take her away kidnapped her, he waited until Hanseok came back to his apartment to see his precious thing were stolen from him but Hanseo arrived first with a cake his in his hand probably to apologize to her, at this moment Kang decided to let Hanseok know that Kiara was kidnapped, how irresponsible person he is that someone kidnapped her from his own apartment without any complication.
When Hanseok called him he knew what he had to do.

Kang parked his bike outside of an abandoned warehouse where they had stashed Kiara next to a black car one man in a casual light pink shirt stepped outside the car Kang handed the helmet to him "There are five or six no seven total seven people inside with Ms Kiara" the man informed him, he stride the dark corridors of the abandoned warehouse the pink shirt man followed him with a gun loosely in his hand, they stalked in the dingy, underground hideout with grim, calculated steps. All eyes followed his every move, everyone in the murky room seemingly fearful of him. The overpowering stench of sweat and uncertainty that surrounded the place wafted its way into his nostrils, invoking a dangerous determination within him. He heard the captors gabbling out of fear before they even saw him, words like "Let's go" and "This is a job for professionals".
One of them rushed towards him, knife drawn. But before he got near him pink-shirt man grabbed him and pointed the knife at his neck, chillingly pointing out that he should have taken extra care before choosing what he thought was an easy target. "A foreigner," the shirt man said in a boring tone he lost his grip on him the criminal crumbled and he took them right to Kiara.
Kang stepped into the dimly lit room, the smell of blood and fear thick in the air. He could sense the apprehension in the faces of the kidnappers, his presence palpable. He barely looked at them, his gaze fixed on the figure of Kiara was bound to a chair with ropes, her mouth gagged and her eyes wide.
He glanced sharply at the kidnappers scattered around the room. "What did you do to her?" he demanded in a voice like steel.
Immediately, the kidnappers were cowering in fear. "N-nothing, sir," one of them stammered, averting their gaze. "Get out," Kang said in a cold, threatening tone. "Now,"
His associates scrambled to the door as Kang advanced towards Kiara
He stepped closer to Kiara, reaching out to check her bonds. Normally, his expression was cold and forbidding, but as he gazed upon Kiara he felt a twinge of pity for her.
Kang grabbed Kiara, gently untying her ropes. In one swoop, she immediately collapsed into his arms.
"You okay?" he asked, his voice still void of emotion.
Kiara finally looked up at him, her eyes wide in surprise. "Kang? How did you...?"
Kang cut her off. "It doesn't matter," he said. "What matters is that you're safe. You don't have to worry about those men, ever again."
"Vincenzo he is the" Again he cut her off "I know," he said. She shook her head and said, "he knew Hanseok was Joon Woo he is planning something, I need to tell Hanseok about that".
he said, his voice cold and harsh "Why is the first thing you think of is Hanseok?" She looked away "I am just concerned for his safety."
Kang snorted and let out a cruel laugh. "You were always so concerned about him, weren't you?" He took a step back, his expression darkening. "Did you ever think of me? Even for a second?"
Kiara again shook her head. "I'm sorry, Kang. But I need to tell him what Vincenzo was planning."
Kang's expression hardened, and his voice was heavy with frustration. "Could you please stop your obsession over Hanseok, Kiara?" He ran his hand through his hair and began to pace the room. "I just saved you, and not even a minute has passed and here you are worrying about Hanseok. Can't you do me the courtesy of looking at me properly and asking how I am? Am I injured? No, you don't care. You were always like this, weren't you?"
Kiara was terrified of Kang's outburst; she knew his temper all too well. They had been together once and she had seen the depths of his darkness.
"What kind of person are you, Kiara? Can't you see that I'm just trying to do the right thing?"
"Oh, of course, what else would a mafia boss do? Just looking out for his ex who he left right?" She said sarcastically. She knew she should stay silent but words left her mouth she was too late to take her word back. Kang's expression darkened as he stepped closer to her, his fists clenched at his sides. "You...I can see the difference" he looked at her wrist "Two different marks of two different ropes one old and one new," Kang chuckled finger running on her wound "You sure don't act like it. You are always in this situation,"
She remained silent, not wanting to provoke any further rage.

Kang turned back to her, his eyes blazing. "I don't understand why you're so obsessed with Hanseok. We used to be together and you were happy. Why can't you just forget about him and be with me again?"
Kiara was taken aback. It was the first time he had ever explicitly said it out loud, and she didn't know what to say in response. She looked at Kang, almost pleadingly, and said, "It doesn't have to be like this". Kiara shook her head. "I can't do that, Kang. I'm sorry." Kiara felt tears welling in her eyes, but she again became silent. She had hurt Kang deeply, and he had every right to be angry.
Kang's expression softened, and he looked away. "Forget it, just promise me one thing. Promise me that you'll be careful."
"I...I... don't know Kang it's not easy for me...you know that...if they...," she said, "then just LEAVE HIM FOR FUCK SAKE," he said louder than he wanted to he saw her visibly flinch at his words he runs a hand through his hair making himself calm and said softly than before "just promise me that you never ever gonna be physically by him, at least you can do that"

 Kiara nodded. "I promise."
Kang let out a deep breath and looked at her. "Good. Now let's get out of here." he held her both hands and helped her to get up "Can you walk? " he asked when she stood up He noticed she was barefoot on the dirty ground, She looked down at her feet and said in low voice "yeah, it's just little numb" to her surprised He lifted her in his arms and said when he felt her body tensed "Don't worry, I'm not doing anything it...it just dirty" and carried her out of the warehouse. The pink-shirt man, who had been waiting outside, gave them a strange look.
"Sorry, I can't let you use my car," he said.
Kang nodded, and then lifted his leather jacket off his shoulders and draped it over her. "Here, wear this. It's cold outside." He then put a helmet on her head and messaged Hanseok to ask "Where he is?". He received a reply that Hanseok was at the police station.
Kang put his phone away and said to her, "Hanseok is at the police station, Vincenzo was arrested for attacking him. I'll drop you off at Hanseo's apartment."
"No," she said with awkwardness, "please, take me to Hanseok."
Kang nodded. "Alright, on the way I'll buy something for your feet."

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now