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Hanseo was sitting in his favorite cafe, high up in a skyscraper. He loved the peaceful atmosphere and the beautiful view that the terrace offered. He only had one day left before Hanseok marry Kiara. and he couldn't shake the feeling that everything was about to change. Hanseo couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions as he sipped on his coffee and watched the busy city below. Hanseo had come here to seek some solace and peace before the wedding, but it seemed his plans were about to be disrupted.

He noticed Vincenzo Cassano, entering the cafe in his signature expensive and stylish tuxedo. As much as Hanseo wanted to ignore him, he couldn't help but give him a displeased look. But Vincenzo seemed to have other plans as he made his way to Hanseo's table and took a seat without any invitation. Hanseo gritted his teeth, agitated by his presence, but decided to keep his calm. Vincenzo, on the other hand, seemed to be enjoying the tension as he glanced around the cafe before finally speaking.

"How's the wedding plan going?" Vincenzo asked in a devious tone, a smirk playing on his lips.

Hanseo couldn't help but feel a small wave of anger rising in him at the mention of the wedding. He didn't want to talk about it, but after a few moments of silence, he replied, "None of your business."

Vincenzo's smile widened as he looked at Hanseo and said, "But isn't Hanseok your dear brother? And Kiara, isn't she like a sister to you?"

Feeling irritated by Vincenzo's presence, Hanseo took a sip of his coffee and replied coldly, "It's none of your business. And Kiara is not my sister"

Vincenzo chuckled and ordered a coffee for himself. "Actually, I'm just wondering, after their marriage, you're going to be quite lonely, aren't you?"

Hanseo's heart clenched at Vincenzo's words, as it was something he had been avoiding thinking about. He had always been very close to Kiara and depended on her and Hanseok for everything. With Hanseok getting married to Kiara, Hanseo couldn't help but feel afraid of being left behind.
Trying to brush off Vincenzo's words, Hanseo replied, "It's just another day. I will be fine." before Vincenzo could reply, someone else slid into the seat in front of him.

It was Kang, Hanseo made a sound of displeasure upon seeing him, but Kang only smiled. "What are you guys talking about?"

"What are you even doing here?" Hanseo asked, glaring at Kang.

"Just passing by," Kang replied nonchalantly, not at all bothered by Hanseo's hostility.

Trying to lighten the mood, Kang asked, "What brings you here, Vincenzo? Don't you have more pressing matters to attend to?"

Vincenzo arched an eyebrow, his gaze shifting between Hanseo and Kang. "Nothing much, just discussing what Hanseo would do if he got kidnapped from here. Would Hanseok come to save him, or would he be too busy with his new wife on their wedding night?" Vincenzo asked, a sinister glint in his eye.

Kang chuckled at the question and took a moment to think before responding. "Interesting question, but the answer is definitely no. If Hanseok has Kiara with him, he wouldn't think twice about Hanseo's safety."

Hanseo rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help but wonder if Kang was right. Hanseok's love for Kiara had always been his top priority, even if it meant sacrificing his own family in the process. Would Hanseok really not come to save him? Before he could conclude, Kang spoke up again.

"Why not just try it?" Kang suggested with a smirk. "You never know, maybe Hanseok will surprise you."

Hanseo knew he should refuse, morally and logically, but he couldn't help but be intrigued. He also wanted to know what Hanseok would do if he was in danger. Would he come to save him or would he be too consumed with Kiara? Or did Kiara even think about him?

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now