49 Part 3

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As Kang reached the hotel, he saw Kiara sitting at a small restaurant in the lobby, sipping on her tea. Her guards stood at a distance, keeping a close watch on her. Kang's guards stood at a distance, but he motioned for them to relax as he approached Kiara, with his right-hand man by his side.

Kiara sat at the small restaurant in the hotel, sipping her tea. The guards who had been assigned to protect her were standing at a distance, keeping a watchful eye on her. Kiara knew they were there for her safety, but she couldn't help but feel suffocated by their presence.

As she looked out at the bustling city through the large windows, she saw Kang approaching with his own group of guards trailing behind him. Her own guards immediately tensed up, ready to take action if needed. Kiara motioned for them to relax and took a deep breath as Kang sat down in front of her, his hand resting on the table.

"You seem relaxed," he said with a knowing smirk. "I didn't expect that. After all, your wedding day was quite eventful."

Kiara remained composed and asked him with a straight face, "Why are you still here?"

Kang chuckled, "For the aftermath, of course. But I must say, I am not satisfied with it at all." He leaned closer to her, his eyes fixed on hers. "Aren't you angry? Go on, punch me, argue with me. I know you want to."
took a deep breath and turned her attention to her tea. She knew what he was trying to do, trying to provoke her, but she refused to play his game. She replied calmly, “I don't want to waste my time on jibber-jabber.” she glanced at him “Why should you be satisfied?” Kiara asked.

“Because, my dear,” Kang leaned in towards her, his gaze intense, “I want to see you three together again. I was eagerly waiting for this moment, but my bad, they both already left, leaving you all alone.”
Kiara let out a frustrated sigh, shaking her head. "Don't you realize that others have work to do? Not everyone is free like you," she retorted and

Kang sat back in his chair, studying her face with an amused expression. "I was sure my words would have some effect on Hanseok.' he said 'But it seems I was wrong.

"Yes, You were wrong," Kiara replied coolly. "He has better things to do than engage in your petty games"

Kang chuckled, and Kiara couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the sound. Kiara raised an eyebrow, "Are you enjoying yourself now?" she asked, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Kang's expression turned serious. "Actually, no," he replied. "I didn't do this for my entertainment, Kiara."

She looked at him, still suspicious. "Then why did you do it?" she asked.

Kang leaned closer to her, his voice low. "To make you realize the reality you are living in," he said, his eyes boring into hers. "You think you have a loving  and a perfect life, but the truth is, you are just a pawn in their game."

Kiara felt a surge of anger rising up in her. "Ruining my family, putting them in danger, just to prove a point? You are just as twisted as I remember," she said, her voice laced with disgust.

Kang's smile faded and he took a deep breath. "Family?" he scoffed. "You are just like a pill to them. You keep them calm, control them from losing their mind."

Kiara let out a humorless laugh. "And what am I to you?" she asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Kang's expression darkened slightly, his fingers tightening around his teacup. "You better not know," he replied ominously.

Kiara couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and unease at his words. She took a deep breath, trying to keep her emotions in check. "You shouldn't have dragged Hanseo into this," she said, her voice shaking with emotion.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now