6. Like me more.

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The next morning Kiara woke up on a soft bedsheet facing the back of a man in a white shirt half covered in a dark blue blanket, she sat up on the bed blinking her eyes a few times for adjusting his eyesight, she was still in her workwear, she slowly got up from the bed feet touched the cold Marvel floor, she walked to the other side of the bed and saw Hanseo relaxed sleeping face, she smiled to herself ruffling his hair, then she walked to the wardrobe and opened it looking through the clothes, then she closed it and opened the other side and a smile itself formed on her lips there were collections of his normal clothes hoody jeans all casual clothes, she took one of hoody from the wardrobe and walked to the bathroom.

She walked to the kitchen and saw Hanseok shirtless only in pajamas standing at the stove cooking, she slowly made her way near him standing a few steps away and admiring the view of him. He was humming a song, that she definitely didn't know "I hope it's not instant noodles" she voice out, Hanseok looked back at her and saw her only wearing his hoody, her long black hair almost touching her knees and a smile on her face he forgot to reply on her comment he was just staring at her taking a deep breath controlling his urged to hold her in his arm and kiss her senseless.
"It is okay for you to wear only my hoody?" he asked turning back again to the stove.
She rolled her eyes "My height is much shorter than you, so your clothes are like a dress to me". She said with a laugh," oh! And I used your bathroom shampoo, body wash, and laundry too, I hope you don't mind" she walked closer to him "I washed my clothes...you know I fell asleep in drenched clothes, so it's started to smell a little." She looked past him and saw him cooking Bindaetteok "You don't mind sleeping on the same bed with Hanseo at all"
"You were also sleeping with us," she said.
He raised his eyebrows at her turning off the stove, "I woke up in the night and saw you on the bed sleeping beside me" she explained to him with a smirk "it reminds me of our childhood when I and Hanseo sneak into your room, and we sleep together"
"On a rainy night," Hanseok said with a smile "I also remember those time... And I still don't like rain".
"Hanseo is still sleeping?"
"Yeah last night you hurt him really bad"
"He deserved that," he said moving Bindaetteok to the dining table she followed behind him "and that it, we are not going to talk about that anymore understood".
"Hey, come sit close to me," he said with a small smile. she took the seat right next to him "let him sleep some more," Hanseok said serving her Bindaetteok and orange juice.
"You know Kiara I'm giving him more than he deserves". Kiara looked at his carefree face eating his breakfast "you called him your...puppet Hanseok".
He turned her face looking at her " he is my puppet," he told her without any hesitation "he is an idiot, you also know that without me he can't able to do anything".
She averted his gaze from him looking at the breakfast "What now Kiara?" She heard the sound of a knife and fork aggressively placed back on the plate, she flinch at the sound chair moving, she didn't look up her eyes fixed on her plate she felt the hot breath on her ear "wait for me" he whispered in her ears she closed her eyes for a second waiting for him in the same posture, her hand was on her thighs nails digging on her skin after some time she heard the bedroom door opened footsteps approaching her "I want Babel on number.1, I can't totally leave the company on his hand, he is stupid, and he doesn't know anything about business but look how nice of me that I still let him handle some matter" he took the fork and knife in his hands from her plate he cut a small bite "I know the word puppet doesn't sound good but he should know what he is in the Babel" holding fork near to her mouth "now open your mouth" she did what he told, he feeds her "how it's taste?".
"Good" she whispered in low voice, he smiled and feed her a few more bites "make sure you finish all the food before you leave" he ruffed her hair and then leave Vila she took a sign of relief and looked at her hand now that created marks on her thighs "you don't need to do all this for me, Kiara" Hanseo sat next to her fully clothed in previous night tuxedo "You know that he will not listen to anyone, even if it is you".

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now