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Hanseok had a rough day, he almost got caught by Vincenzo. As he came back home, he took off his tie and threw his suit on the table. He walked to his bed and saw a sleeping figure with her wrists tied together with rope. He smirked and unbuttoned a few buttons of his shirt. He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned his face close to hers. Suddenly, a wave of guilt washed over him as he didn't see any dry tears on her face. He had tied her up roughly and left her alone, yet she hadn't broken anything in the room or cried.
Hanseok had done terrible things to her, but he couldn't accept it when she said she didn't want to see his face again. He had to make her understand what he was capable of. He could be an angel, but he had become a devil. He reached out and gently caressed her face. He whispered her name and she opened her eyes. 'maybe again I overdid it' he thought.
He untied her hands and she winced at the marks the rope had left. He looked down at her wrists, the skin was red and swollen from where the ropes had dug into her skin. He gently touched her hand, and she didn't move or say a word. He remembered the time back in school when he had beaten up a boy for mistakenly scratching her hand and leaving a mark, yet here he was, being the one to cause her injury.
"Does it hurt?" he asked holding her hands to examine her wrists.
"What did you expect when you did tie my hands," she said her voice calm but he could feel that rage in her eyes glaring at him, she sat up on the bed facing him, "You know I love you too much, that I can't bear that you even think of leaving me" he said and looked into her glaring gazes "Don't blame me, you know me better".
"It doesn't matter now," she said looking away from him "It's useless if you already decided".
"I am sorry," he said "Let's just have dinner now".
"I don't want to, eat by yourself," she said, he closed his eyes with a sigh and then open his eyes to look at her "Don't be like that Kiara," he said getting up.
His anger always got the best of him she knew that perfectly his harsh actions show the result of his anger, she blink her eyes ready to get up, but suddenly she heard her phone ringtone and she stopped and saw Hanseok walking toward the table where his coat was. He pulled her phone out from His coat pocket and walked back to her and tossed her phone in front of her and said "By the way my little brother or I say your boss calls you too much in a day" he sat down again next to her "he really can't live without you" she felt the jealousy and possessiveness in his voice.
"Like you said he is my boss and I am his PA," she said frustrated "Wasn't you the one who forced me to be his PA".
He slowly get up again and stepped back. "I'm sorry,' he said softly "Just eat something and please stay with me" he looked at her. She shook her head and Hanseok smiled his plan worked he perfectly knew how to make her agree on small things his face worked for that.
Kiara silently followed Hanseok to the dining room. She was still reeling from what had just happened. She couldn't believe that he had tied her up and was now making that stupid face.
Kiara sat down at the table and looked at Hanseok. He was still the same man she had known all these years. He had changed though, she could tell. He was no longer the playful, kind-hearted man she had once known. He was now a man with an agenda. But she felt relief that at least he did not change totally but yeah alone in America changed him.
Kiara slowly finished her dinner and then got up to leave. Hanseok grabbed her arm and pulled her back towards him.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asked, his voice full of authority.
Kiara looked into his eyes and saw the determination and dominance in them. She knew she wouldn't be able to escape.
"I'm not going anywhere," She said, her voice calm.
Hanseok smiled and pulled her onto her lap her back touched his chest he hugged her and his one went to grab her, his forehead on her shoulder "That's right, you're staying here with me," He said in a low voice but somehow it sounds full of dominance.
Kiara silently nodded and allowed Hanseok to hold her like that. She knew that she had no choice but to stay with him, even though she was scared and confused. She had to remember that he was still the same man she had known all these years and that she still loved him.


Kang was in the office staring at the phone screen he called Kiara past two days many times but he only got get voice message he wanted to talk to her but she was nowhere to find.
His man entered the office "You got the information?" Kang asked still eyes on the phone.
"yes boss, she is staying in a flat and the owner of the flat is Jang Joon Woo" the man informed him. Kang chuckled annoyingly leaning back on his chair "Huh! Hanseok finally you reveal your true color"
"Kiara I am coming for you just wait a little long" Kang muttered to himself.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now