26. Part-2

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Hanseo and Kiara were decorating the dishes in front of Mr. Jang's photo, "this is enough" Hanseo told her with a smile Kiara nodded and stood up from the mat and looked behind toward Hanseok who was watching them leaning on the wall legs crossed munching jellybeans she walked near to him "thanks" she said to him, he looked at them turned his eyes to Hanseo who was still arranging things on the table "I agree because of him" he replied in a bored tone, then uncrossed his legs walking toward him "may I" Hanseok said, Hanseo nodded at him confused looking at him Hanseok walked toward the coffee table and tear the newspaper page and came back to him Kiara also walked to them and saw Hanseok put jellybeans on the page placing at the table with a smile "this is from me"

"Are you sure you don't want to join us?" Hanseok asked Kiara and she shook her head and replied "Nah! I'm not his daughter", Hanseok just nodded and carried on with his work, Standing a few steps back Kiara  watched Hanseok and Hanseo bowing in front of their father's photo 'I didn't like Mr. Jang at all he always rude to me, he didn't want me with his family but Mrs. Jang was always with me adoring me, caring for me, she always told me how much loveable I am, after all, I still had to admit that Mr. Jang loves Hanseo, Maybe because he was her lover child, but Mrs. Jang also never treated Hanseo badly she treated her like her own son without hate' she was soo lost in her thought that she didn't notice when Hanseok came to her, once he felt she back on earth he asked, "what's in your mind?"
"Nothing" she replied in a low tone "Such a Liar" he commented but didn't press the matter and changed the subject "Let's eat dinner" At the dining table they saw Hanseo already drinking, he saw them coming and tried to get up for respect but Hanseok stopped him with a smile they three sat on the dining table eating and drinking, Kiara was light drinker so she didn't drink after the dinner she put dishes away but when she came she saw, Hanseo who seems to drink a lot even Hanseok serving him drink with a smile, she also sat down looking at them Hanseok offered her drink too but she refused with smile 'at least now we are having some good time' she thought to herself with an adoring look in her eyes looking at the brothers' pair.
"Are you ready there will be the Strom tomorrow" Hanseok said to Hanseo, who replied little drunken voice to him "Yes. I'm ready" he nodded also "I'm as ready as I'll ever be"
"It's just three of us, you got the company, I got the legal world and Kiara got our back handling us," Hanseok said with a smile "Oh! You give me a really important role" Kiara said with a smile Hanseok pinched and squeezed her cheeks lovingly and said "Yes. You are our knight in shining Armor," she laughed at his word, Hanseo smiled brightly and replied and nodded again "Yes", "thanks guys" Kiara said with a smile 'this is the moment I want in my life just three of us sitting together talking, eating and drinking with a smile, this moment is perfect' Kiara thought with a smile.
"I thought our old man was wrong but he was right, don't ever put your trust in anyone else or give out compliments," Hanseok said that moment Kiara realized maybe she was considered today perfect a little earlier, "Yes. I don't trust anyone but you two" Hanseo replied "I won't listen to anyone just you two".
"Gosh! My little brother" Hanseok leaned closer to him holding his shoulder with one hand "If you were just a tad bit smarter, I would have adores you infinitely".
"Hanseok don't," Kiara said to him, but she stopped when Hanseo giggled at his words his body was soo red that he moved his chair close to Hanseo and said "I have a question" Hanseok just smiled at his childish behavior "Hanseo you are drinking now let's ask tomorrow," Kiara said but he ignored her and continued "if I keep disappointing you" he smiled that made Kiara uneasy 'this is going bad please please don't say something stupid' she thought looking at them, and heard Hanseo question "will you do me in like you did with father?" 'What he is saying? What's that mean?' Kiara asked herself in her mind getting confused by the question that he asked Hanseok "What?" Hanseok asked him calmly, Hanseo leaned more closer to him and said "Like what you did to Dad that day" Kiara saw Hanseok's little smile on his lips but he was calculating the situation, deciding his next move, suddenly he pinched Hanseo's cheek saying "you aren't that stupid after all" he pinched his other cheek too "you are quite smart, actually" Kiara was staring at them confused, he laughed pated Hanseo shoulder "I'm so proud of you Hanseo" he leaned back on his chair "Gosh! I was soo wrong about my brother" Hanseo bowed to him and replied, "Thank you for acknowledging that". Hanseok eyes truned to her with smile he asked "You also knew about this" she glanced at Hanseo who was too busy drinking again she looked at Hanseok finally she understood what they were talking about "You killed him. So it was not an ordinary death" she said sipping the alcohol that smoothly slide in her throat "So he didn't tell you" Hanseok said also drinking and again truned to Hanseo"by the way, Hanseo, I didn't like your eyes these days" holding the fork closer to his eyes "they remind me of dad" Kiara shook her head lightly 'such a child, always teasing him' she thought, Hanseo said rubbing his eyes "No, actually... it's because I didn't get much sleep lately, it's just that my eyes are tired" Kiara put her glass down and said "Hanseo he was just joking with you" Hanseok smiled glancing at her then again looking at him "you are his son, of course, you resemble him" Hanseok said, "stop it Hanseok you making him nervous" Kiara told him hitting on his shoulder lightly, he took a jellybean and extended toward Hanseo "here, eat it" Hanseo looked nervous avoiding him but Hanseok was Hanseok he did what he want he feed him with his hand "eat it okay?" Then he turned to Kiara "now it's your trun, open you mouth" he said to her and Kiara did what he told her, she opened her mouth he put jellybean in her mouth "What a nice family dinner" he said.
After half hour later Hanseok put Hanseo in the guest bedroom bed Kiara covered Hanseo mumbling body under the covers "He drank too much" Kira commented when they exited the room "Are you upset that I killed the old man?" Hanseok asked Kiara "No" Kiara replied simply stopping in front of the photo of Mr. Jang 'it's not good to kill a family member but it's already happened, I'm actually not that surprised he did something like that but... I can't help but get worried about Hanseo now, I trust Hanseok but still... it made me worried' Hanseok hand moved around her waist holding moving close to her hugging her from behind, his other hand holding her chin tilting up, he kissed her softly on lips "what are you thinking?" He asked her in a soft voice, she hold his arm that was around her waist like she was holding herself "You are quite handsome" she said with a smile staring at his face, "I don't understand, should I be happy or not?" He asked her. Kiara chuckled and grabbed his white shirt collar pulling him for a short kiss and said: "Of course, you should be happy".

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now