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"He didn't tell you anything?" Kiara asked Hanseo who was seated in his usual position head on the table she was seated on his right side, and the two were only in the conference room "I was also about to ask you the same question." Hanseo replied to her "he Just suddenly called me and said to meet with you in the conference room." The door opened Hanseok, Hanseo was about to stand up but stopped when he saw Ms. Choi and Mr. Han with him, Hanseo looked at Kiara to know whether he is doing right or not. The other three bowed at him in greeting he greeted them back and told them to sit Ms. Choi and Mr. Han sat on the left side, Kiara and Hanseo both were so confused about what they had to do now, Hanseok started to arrange another thing at the room with his silly smile "so, sir-" Mr. Han started to talk but got interpreted by Hanseok "sir I prepared everything"
"Oh, you prepare that's good...good," Mr. Han said looking surprised and nervous, and muttered something to himself than with an awkward smile he said to Hanseok "begin" Hanseok smiled at looked at Kiara and Hanseok. Then looked at Mr. Han when he said "I said to start", Kiara and Hanseo both had a weird feeling in their chest they shared a worried look at each other, Hanseo glanced at Hanseok back and then signaled to Kiara asking "what he is doing?", Kiara was confused to so she just shook her head. They both again looked at Hanseok when they heard his voice.
"All right, then, I will begin the briefing" Hanseok begin screen started to move and both breaths stopped for a moment when they saw 'The Secret of Babel' written on the screen Hanseok's madness begin now both of them knew what was he thinking Hanseo was now visible nerves, Mr. Han interpreted Hanseok and looked at Hanseo and tried to cover up Hanseok words by saying "we come up with the fun briefing" but Hanseo was too nerved to even looked at anyone or say anything he just moves his hand to signal "that is alright" Hanseok smiled and again started to talk "chairman Jang Guk-Han the founder of Haemun group now know as the Babel group...had two son..." Kiara glanced at Hanseo he probably was a mess in his mind but trying his best to act normal she knew that but still act was cracking.
"He and his wife Hwang Suk-Jin had their eldest son, As for his second son he was birthed by Seo Min-Hui a young secretary instead of focusing on the company he cheated me hand coughed awkwardly and stood up "hey Joon-Woo! what are you saying?, Joon-Woo! Come back here" Hanseok looked at him with raised eyebrows Hanseo tapped his palm on the table making a sound Hanseok looked up and down with judging eyes at Mr. Han, "stop that," Hanseo said to Mr. Han, he looked confused looking at Hanseo "stop?".
"Sit, quickly" Hanseo ordered, "please sit down Mr. Han" Kiara also said to him then looked at Hanseok "Even if you want to share secrets, there is no need to tell all of this."
"Why are you getting angry? Look, Mr. CEO is not bothered. so relax." Hanseok said to her then again turned his face toward the screen, Hanseo whispered in a really low voice to Kiara "let him be"
"First... who is the second son? It's not other than chairman Jang Han-seo! Woohoo, what a surprise" he said happily cheering Hanseo also smiled and cheered "what a surprise" he clapped with a huge smile that he was forcing on himself Mr. Han also clapped with fake excitement "stop that," Kiara said to Hanseok, Hanseo eyes wide when Hanseok whole attention went on her "Kiara please sit down" Hanseo told her, Hanseo looked angry and nerves at the same time, Kiara didn't like that at all but still she listens to him, Hanseok looked at them satisfied and begin again "now, who is the eldest son? He was always smart and active, and he was always the top student, he didn't graduate from standard law school as the top student but he got the good grades on the top of that God has made him perfect and charismatic so who is it? Who? who is the true king of the Babel?" Hanseok asked with a smile "Jang Joon-Woo"
Mr. Han was shocked, and choked on air "what's going on here?".
"The real owner of the Babel group is Jang Joon-Woo" he cheered excitedly "Hanseo you are ready tonight star is me" Hanseo got up from the chair even though his hand was shaking a little bit he cheered for him when he sang he also sang with him "that star is me" Hanseo and Hanseok started to dance and Hanseok sang happily "Babel group is actually mine" Mr. Han also started to dance and cheering for Hanseok just Kiara and Ms. Choi was seated on their chair with a serious face "it's mine you didn't know that, did you? You had no Idea! it's mine!" Mr. Han signaled Choi to also get up and cheered she awkwardly stood up and looked at Kiara whose eyes were fixed on the Hanseok "I fooled you, Babel group is actually mine!" Hanseok sang and came to Kiara and hold her hand and spin her around two times "oh! forget one thing this lady-" Hanseok started to say Kiara's eyes got wide "Hanseok" she warned him but he ignored her word and pull her close to him by her waist saying "she also mine" he started to dance with her slowly Kiara's face was serious but she also knew that she was helpless after few minutes she said to him "stop dancing now" this time he heard her and announced "Okay party is over" everyone stopped at looked at them "bring me some water" Hanseok said to Kiara she handed him the water when he started to drink suddenly Mr. Han bowed at him and apologize "I'm sorry sir, please forgive me for my transgressions" Hanseok put down the glass on the table and said with a smile "it's okay, I had fun" then looked at Hanseo and pated on his neck lightly "didn't you?"
"Of course, it felt like I was on a rollercoaster every day" Hanseo replied, "Kiara, I did that," Hanseok said to Kiara and that word bring Kiara back to that night 'when Hanseok Told her that he will do something to easy Hanseo stress'
"Come on, sit down," Hanseok's voice rang in her ears she looked at him and then move towards the chair next to Hanseo but stopped when Hanseok said to her "Come sit here, it is not necessary to always be with Hanseo, isn't it? be with me sometime" she moved to his left side and sat down, Hanseo sat opposite of her next him was Mr. Han and Ms. Choi sat next to Kiara and Hanseok begin again "Aren't we like robot vacuum? We always do our best but we always fall short" Mr. Han interpreted him saying "not at all, sir, I'm proud of both...NO I'm amazed by your wisdom, I mean you both have endless talent his long speech ended after one hour,
"Why are all still here? get up, leave, do some work." Hanseok said pulling his phone out from his suit pocket, Mr. Han and Ms. Choi was the first one who left the room, "sir" Hanseo said in low voice, and he looked at him, "did you like my surprise?" He asked him with a smile, Hanseo smiled "yes sir I really like it".
"I know I'm awesome," Hanseok said holding his hand in his "call me hyeong Hanseo" he rubbed the back of his hand lightly with thum that action made Hanseo more nervous, "hy...hyeong" he shuttered cursing himself in mind, Hanseok raised his eyebrows but smiled also "Are you scared of me?" He asked him, Hanseo eyes widen he got panicked "no...no...si-hyeong I'm not" he smiled showing his teeth, "Well then, go order some lunch, me and Kiara will be at your office in a while" Hanseo glanced at Kiara then little bowed to Hanseok and left,
She glanced at him when he got quiet he was typing something on his phone looking serious so she got ready to leave but before she took any step she heard his serious voice questioning her "Where are you going?" She looked back at him and saw his Little smile on his lips "why I'm even here when you not gonna say anything" she said but when she saw his expression she cursed herself in mind for that, he was quiet just staring at her face with a serious expression she never knows what going on his head when he got quiet "I met Kang in the morning" suddenly he said making her heart beat stop for a second her eyes got wide "he didn't change that much just became a little bit serious, don't you think?" Again silence fell in the room "ohh and also I met Vincenzo too, he is quite an interesting character" he got up from the chair hovering over her small body "are you not going to say anything" she didn't even look up at his face her eyes Fixed on his feets 'she was trying to think what actually he wanted to know what is the answer that gonna make him calm? But nothing came into her brain "you know he recognized me pretty fast, it reminded me why I don't like students from my class" he placed his hand on her shoulder "It's a good thing none of my friends survived" she gulp hearing his words closing her eyes shut tightly She saw her hands stained with blood, her eyes moist with tears, she was scared, sitting on the floor of the dark room, her clothes were torn. Only then two large hands hold her hands, she starts releasing her hands from the grip of his hands out of fear.
She heard the familiar voice "Shush calm down, it's me, don't be afraid now. look at me" she slowly looked up his eyes met with Hanseok "Hanseok" she called him her voice was soo low that made me worry about her "Don't worry, I will do something, you have not done anything wrong, understood." He released her hands and took his jacket off and puts it on her shoulder "but he-" she started to say but he cut it off "Forget whatever happened, he deserved it."

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now