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Kiara could feel Hanseok's impatience the minute she closed the door and his passionate kiss took over her. Kiara found herself struggling with her inner battle with how to handle the situation. Should she give into the temptation to feel his warmth and passion against her skin, or remain her logical self and have an honest conversation.
Kiara felt her heart beat faster as Hanseok pinned her against the wall, his mouth moving from her lips to her jaw, sending tiny pins of electricity throughout her body. "Stay with me," he said. Kiara breathed heavily as her body protested against the aggressive, passionate movement. "Hanseok," she managed to whisper, allowing her feet to be swept off the floor and her legs to wrap around his waist. His mouth moved from her lips to her neck, eliciting a gasp from her
"Hey... I... think you want... to talk..." Kiara said with heavy breaths.
"I can't help it," Hanseok whispered back before gently biting her ear.
"Hanseok...you're being impatient," she breathed, half-exasperated at his aggression. "I know," he replied, and stalked to the bed, carrying her in his arms and placing her down on it. He started to remove her top and she could tell by the look in his eyes that he wouldn't be able to control himself.
Kiara felt Hanseok's fingertips run freely across her curves as he pressed her into the bed. His hard breathing matched hers as their lips moved intensely. Kiara moaned as she felt Hanseok wander around her body.
Hanseok pinched at her nipples through her undergarment as her arms involuntarily wrapped around his neck. her body eager for more of his touch. But her mind was still racing, and she knew she had to say something. "Hanseok," she breathed softly. "I...I need to talk." He groaned softly, still keeping his lips pressed against her neck. "Can't it wait? I...I've been waiting for so long to be with you like this." Kiara felt his hand gripping her wrist tighter, the sudden intensity making her heart palpitate loudly. "I'm not saying to stop," she said, her voice starting to tremble, "but I...we need to talk first. About-." Hanseok let out a sigh, finally lifting his head to look Kiara in the eyes. "I told you I'm impatient," he said as he took one of her hands off his neck and Kiara could immediately feel a change in the air. He shifted his weight onto her, still holding onto her wrist, as he moved towards her ear and whispered, "I promise I'm not gonna fuck up like last time."
Kiara pushed her hips against his to find more contact in the moment. She held his neck tightly and said with gritted teeth, "Don't ever remind me of that day. Do you understand?" She wanted him to hear her voice in the silence so that he'd really understand the gravity of her words.
Hanseok heard her and put his hand on her own that was clutching at his neck and gently removed it, replacing her grip with a passionate kiss "I understand," Hanseok said as he kissed her again. His own hands roved around her body hungrily as he kissed her. and tilted his head and his hands moved to search the side table drawers and soon enough he was pulling out a condom, his eyes meeting hers.
"I'm gonna try to be gentle," he said.
she knew what he had in mind. "I'll try to be gentle," he added saying the same thing again, and then his lips touched hers again as his hold around her waist and neck tightened. His words were muffled against her skin as he said, "I know you were angry with me after that" as he moved his hand to her stomach. "I didn't expect anything else, I really crossed the line" and she stiffened up involuntarily. Her body seemed to resist but his touch made her body relax as he caressed her stomach lightly.
Kiara looked into his eyes and felt her anger slowly drift away. She had wanted to hate him for a last time, but she had loved him too much to completely stay away from him.
"I know you don't like children, and what you think...but you're still trying," Hanseok continued. "I could have suggested you have an abortion, but I wanted you to stay with me. So when you said that you were pregnant, I was happy that I had something that would keep you with me." He brushed his lips against hers. "And that you wanted to marry the real me... that made me the happiest."
Kiara kissed him with everything in her as she felt Hanseok remove their clothes completely.
"If I hurt you... tell me. Hit me, do anything you want to stop me," he murmured against her lips. Kiara spoke, as their bodies moved in a slow and passionate rhythm "Just don't ever make me regret loving you like this."
Hanseok smiled and kissed her, pushing into her with all his heart and soul. He held her close, their breaths coming out in short, ragged gasps. He tasted each inch of her skin, breathing her in and lavishing her with his love. With each thrust of his hips, Kiara felt the waves of pleasure growing stronger and higher until they exploded around them.
After they finished, Kiara and Hanseok lay wrapped up in each other's arms. Kiara ran her fingers through Hanseok's hair, and said: "I think we still have to talk."
Hanseok looked into her eyes and nodded. His mouth formed a small smile and he sighed. "Yes, we do. But first, let's do it one more time"

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now