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As I stepped into the villa, my eyes fell on Kiara dragging her suitcase towards her old room. She was avoiding me, and I couldn't blame her. I had lied to her, and she had every reason to be angry at me, I wanted to talk to her, to clear things up and make her understand even convince her of even with more lies if it's needed. But I was too scared to approach her, especially after what had happened at the ice rink today. She didn't believe me back then when I shot Hanseok and told her it was a mistake but she didn't believe me, I knew that. And today's incident only made her hate me, I need to think before having any conversation with her, So I quietly went to my room, shutting the door behind me.

I couldn't stop thinking about that night, about how close I had come to being killed by Hanseok. It sent chills down my spine, but I knew I had to stay strong and face whatever was to come at least for her. I felt restless, I needed some fresh air. I went downstairs to get some water when I heard the front door open. I immediately recognized the sound of Hanseok's footsteps, but to my surprise, he didn't seem angry or fuming with fury like I expected. He just went straight to his room, then came back out and asked me where Kiara was.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. After all, Hanseok was also angry at me and I didn't want things to get worse between us. But then I remembered that I couldn't avoid him.

"I saw her going into her old room when I came back," I replied, my voice trembling slightly.

Hanseok didn't say anything and just nodded before making his way to his room. I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that he didn't get angry at me. But things were far from being back to normal between us.

It had been a week since the incident at the ice rink, and the three of us were definitely not on speaking terms. I could see that Hanseok had been spending most of his time on his work, restarting an old project and giving statements to news reporters only sending me the details of work related to what I had to do and all. I could tell that he was determined to make sure that nothing went wrong this time.

As for Kiara, she had locked herself in her old room, avoiding her shared room with Hanseok. I could only imagine how scared and confused she must be feeling. It broke my heart to see her like this, but I didn't know what to do to make things right. I knew that I had to tell her the truth about what had happened, but I didn't want to put her in any more danger.

Every day, I would see her walking around the villa, barely eating or sleeping. Her once bright and cheerful demeanor had turned into a lifeless and hollow figure. It was torture to see her like this, knowing that I was the reason behind it. But I couldn't bring myself to face her, not after Hanseok's threat.

Another week went by in a blur, with no progress made between the three of us. But then, Kiara came out from her room not in a pajama suit but in her casual clothes, she glanced at Hanseok and said "I'm going out" Her tone was still not cheerful she holding her cold and collected side. She waited for a whole minute for Hanseok to reply but he seemed lost in his laptop screen and she left the house like that, I really wanted to follow her but when I was about to get up Hanseok's voice echoed in my ears asking me where I am going, and I stopped replying to him "just in my room"


Kiara stood on the bridge, gazing out at the river below. She had always found solace in this spot, and today was no different. As she stood lost in her thoughts, she heard a familiar voice behind her. And then, as if on cue, Kang appeared next to her, chuckling. "It must be destiny," he said with a smirk, "I always met you here whenever I came."

Kiara rolled her eyes, not in the mood for small talk. But Kang was persistent. "You look sick, is something bothering you?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now