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"What?" She said loudly on the call "fuck" she hang up the call telling the driver to change the direction toward their chemical warehouse he called Hanseok but his phone was busy so she just sat in the car tapping her heel on the car surface her hand gripped the phone tightly in her fist they arrived near the warehouse she looked outside the window warehouse was burning furiously she saw other standing at the distance suddenly there was a big blow driver stopped the car she got out and saw Hanseo on the ground he looked up at her "Kiara" he called out her name she runs toward him he also stumbled at the ground trying to get up he ended up on his knees she also kneeled in the front of him holding his hand "Are you hurt somewhere, tell me, are you feeling pain somewhere? Hanseo... Hanseo say something" She asked him she hold his chin with one hand to examine his face for any injury he was totally frozen, he looked over her shoulder and his eyes got wide she also turned her head and saw Hanseok walking toward them "sir," Hanseo said trying to stand up in which Kiara help him they both standing together still holding hands staring at Hanseok "I saw this coming" Hanseo suddenly said and walked to step toward Hanseok releasing his hand from Kiara grip who glanced at her now empty hand then again looked at Hanseo and Hanseok when Hanseo said "I'm certain that the bastards who broke into my room did this! Dame it" Hanseo cursed facing the burning building beside Hanseok but Hanseok was quiet just looking at the burning mess he suddenly made eye contract with her just for few second but she saw anger in it that he trying to suppress "Dame it I'll catch them myself...and make them kneel before you" Hanseok glanced at Kiara again then to Hanseo and told him to shut up Hanseo immediately closed his mouth suddenly again a big blow sounded Kiara shivered becouse of the sudden sound Hanseok looked at her shivering body he told her extending his hand toward her "come here" she walked toward them and stood next to Hanseok he hold her hand tightly looking at burning warehouse, Hanseok truned around dragging Kiara with him "get in the car," Hanseok said to Hanseo when he narrowed eyes saw him still standing at same spot, "Yes sir" Hanseo said and also started walk toward his car but he also glanced at Kiara Hanseok still holding her hand taking her along with him, she glanced at Hanseo too, he stopped watching them his eyes glued to their hands again he heard Hanseok voice "come with me Hanseo" he opened the front door for Kiara and himself settled in driving seat and Hanseo lost in his thought but Hanseok harsh tone got him back to reality when he told him to move fast he slowly slid inside the passenger seat "sir" he called out, Hanseok started to drive without bothering to answer him "Hanseok" this time Kiara called his name he again didn't reply only increased the speed Kiara hurriedly buckled the seatbelt speed increase more and more suddenly he started to laugh both Kiara and Hanseo looked at him horrified "what a great day" Hanseok said between his laughter "how much we lost today, I lost today".

In the family Vila Kiara was in the guest room bathroom washing her face and looking in the mirror today they lost a lot of money and even the warehouse burned to the ground she knew Hanseok not going to let this matter slide like he did in a few months everything going to be serious and terrific Hanseo was probably scared to his life right now, she has to prepare for the worst situation now, she took a deep breath looking at her reflection in the mirror Hanseok didn't say any word after they arrived in the Vila and thing make her more worried, she exits the bathroom when she heard Hanseo loud voice she rushed toward the hall and saw Hanseok choking him with a towel around Hanseo neck she hurried toward them but Hanseok said aggressively "do not dare Kiara" her step stopped immediately she looked at them he flipped him on the sofa still choking him "Hanseok stop" Kiara yelled but still there was no effect "you are nothing but a puppet of mine" she heard Hanseok told him
"Yes," Hanseo breathed out, "Hanseok that's enough leave him" Kiara yelled loudly but again he ignored her and still talked to Hanseo "so don't you dare to think for yourself" Kiara couldn't able to watch that scene more she finally shows little courage walked near to Hanseok and touched his bare shoulder, "Yes, I got it, Yes, sir." Hanseo replied his eyes closed tightly it was not the first time Hanseok did something like that but it always scared Kiara out if he lost control and harm him badly so she begged to try to move his hand "please Hanseok let him go," this time he did let him free and looked at her, Hanseo struggle but eventually stood up Hanseok glanced at him rolling his eyes and give him instructions for morning Hanseo bowed at him then glanced at Kiara who was also looking at him with worry "Hanseo, go home now" he told him then looked at Kiara "Sometimes you look at me too, you always keep looking at him, I don't like it at all. That pissed me off more" He moved closer to her creasing her cheek lovingly "Why haven't you gone yet?" Hanseok suddenly asked Hanseo shivered hearing his voice looking at them confused, "what are you waiting for, go give us some alone time" Hanseo was completely shocked by the present scenario but eventually he half-heartedly left before Hanseok got angrier.
"Are you worried?" Hanseok asked after they left alone. "I told you not to call him a puppet," Kiara said to him walking away toward the sofa and sitting down "you going to break him", he sat next to her and said "you know I'm doing all this for him, he is an idiot and we had this conversation soo many time already"
Kiara glanced at him but immediately averted her gaze from his body and said "I don't like it when you make him feel like an idiot".
He rolled his eyes and said drinking water from the bottle "he is an idiot" he put the bottle down and moved closer to her holding her in his arm making her back lean on his naked chest he held her tightly on her waist "listen Kiara I don't want to think about stupid things, but eventually, I'll have to kill some people, they really getting on my nerves huh!" He held her hand playing with her small finger "don't move too much" She stopped moving to look at her hands in Hanseok big hands "I have work for you tomorrow," Hanseok told her "do you remember Kang?" She froze his hand and also stopped playing "do you still have his phone number?" He released her body and ordered "go get your phone" he waited for her to get up but she didn't even move "get your phone" he pushed her a little "do you want me to get your phone?" he whispered in her ear a shiver run down on her spin she immediately got up with her shaking legs she walked to her bag and get back and handed her phone to him he checked her contact list when she just standing in the front of him she knew it was not good at all now she deeply regrets what she did in past, she well aware about Hanseok temper he never going slid this matter easily, he chuckled dangerously "you still have his number huh, who kept their ex-boyfriend number, and if I remember correctly you also were about to work at his company"
"Hanseok it's not... like-" he cut her words "you have a meeting with him tomorrow don't forget this" he tossed her phone on the table and grabbed her hand and pulled her onto his lap He put his head on Crook of her neck inhaling her sweet scent "I have all information about you," he told her "and you really don't have any good taste in men".
"Hanseok, he..." Her breath hitched she felt a sharp pain in her neck he dug his teeth into her neck until he taste blood in his mouth he backed looked at the teeth mark and blood he smiled to himself "it's looking good" he mumbled then looked at her face "open you eyes look at me" he held her left side cheek forced her to look at him "are you crying?".


"Are you alright?" Hanseo asked when he saw Kara too quieter than normal "or are you scared?".
She shook her head "not at all" Kiara said biting lower her lips with nervousness "just... I'm angry with Him, He shouldn't have set up this meeting without asking me" Hanseo glanced at her "I can go with you if you want" he told her, Kiara looked up from the file at him "You never even talked to him properly in school, that's why I prefer to go alone for meeting with him, I don't want to mess up anything" He rolled his eyes "Don't know why Hanseok doing this, that Kang is just-".
"Fuck this thing, I'm going, I'm getting late for the meeting" Kiara got up packing her things in her bag, "wait I'll go with you," Hanseo said getting up from his chair "Hanseok will be furious if he finds out"
"We are surrounded by dangerous people, what can we do, we can neither run nor hide," Hanseo said annoyingly, she chuckled and said with a smile "we are not good either" she started to walk toward the door "I'll be back in time".
"He is a gangster currently remember that," Hanseo told her, "thank you for the reminder" Kiara exit the office.

Hanseok seated at his small desk in wusang firm looking at his phone screen, he couldn't sleep last night everything was too much someone set fire to the warehouse, and Kang that bastard only wants to meet with Kiara that really made him angry but they lost a lot in those few months, for this time he will hear him.
Last night he lie on the bed with Kiara looking at her face eye closed in deep sleep he softly touched the bite mark creasing the injury he kissed her forehead holding her in his arm, but The whole night he kept thinking about whether his decision is right or not, how much harm will it cause to keep his weakness with him, he was looking at her sleeping face he always adores. He left the villa early in the morning without saying any word nor he left any note, he waited for her to call him but she didn't call, he fixed the meeting and called for that but she didn't say anything about last night nor she says anything other than okay or Yes he didn't like that but didn't say anything to her, he took a deep breath dialing her number again bell rung for a second then he heard her voice saying hello to him "where are you?" He asked controlling his voice "on the way to the cafe, I have a meeting to attend" she said.
"How are you?" He asked her she didn't reply for a minute "good, I'm good" she replied in a low voice "I'm here I'll talk to you later".
"Okay," he said then she hung up the phone "I should have told Hanseo to go with Kiara".

I want to add a new character but I need a face for that character too, I can't think of anyone now so I want to request you please suggest me someone who will fit for a gangster. In this story.

Thank you ☺️.

Thank you ☺️

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Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now