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Kiara was working continuously for a week, but last night when she felt a fever, she took a day off and slept the whole day at home. Kiara woke up from sleep in the afternoon and took a bath, then she cook noodles for herself, but she couldn't eat, she felt Nausea at the smell of noodles.
Lying on the sofa, she was watching the noodles on the table getting cold, meanwhile, she called Hanseok but he didn't answer her call just as she expected. Since that day, he was ignoring her, not responding to calls and texts. She just closed her eyes but open them the next second when her phone 'ting' indicating that she got the text, she checked the text it was from Hanseo (Come over to my house for dinner. I have sent a car for you, which is waiting outside, so hurry up) she got up from and text back (okay) she got dressed in her long black skirt and a white full sleeve top takin her belongings that she needed in her handbag she headed outside got in the car that drives her at the building.
She reached the floor and rang the doorbell door opened and she saw Hanseo still in his format arteria smiling at her, she went inside "How are you now?" He asked her closing the door behind "I am not well" She replied honestly "Did you go to the doctor?" Hanseo asked her looking worried "No" she replied walking inside he followed her "Do you know what happened to you?" He asked her, "Maybe yes, I know," she said, he was about to ask her more question but stopped when he saw her step stopped Hanseok was standing in the living room with Choi Myunghee.
"Huh! You are here too," Kiara said looking at Hanseok with an annoyed chuckle "Looks like the meeting was successful" she glanced at Choi Myunghee "You did a good job", Choi Myunghee looked at her uncomfortably but still nodded with a smile. Kiara wanted to yell at Him and hit him with something but he'll get angry if she do that in front of Choi Myunghee so she tried to suppress her anger.
"I heard you are sick, how are you feeling now?" Hanseok asked, she sat down on the sofa and looked up at him "If you would have seen the text I sent, you would have known how I am" 'huh! god damit How is he showing that he cares for me, after ignoring me for so long
"We were busy with some work so I put the phone on silent and I didn't even know that you messaged me" Hanseok replied to her checking his phone, she rolled her eyes 'Liar, who doesn't check their phone for a week. Idiot, not even lying properly' "That's right, where would you have time for me, after all, you are a very busy man." She said to him more like taunting him. Hanseok looked up from his phone at her with narrowed eyes.
Hanseo sensed the tension building between Hanseok and Kiara the way he looked at her narrowed eyes and Kiara's angry stare at him, he knew something happened when his hyeong texted her from his phone to come here, and he wanted to ease the tension but butting in between probably going to make one of them snapped their anger out like volcano and that lava going to burn him to ashes, so he just stood at the near bar cabinet waiting for any of them to say something but when Hanseok opened his mouth Hanseo wished he didn't say anything "If you have something to say, say it directly, don't speak to me like this" Hanseok voice didn't show many emotions in his tone.
Kiara scoffed "You are still angry I think I should leave here" She started to get up and started to walk towards the exit, Hanseo looked at her and then at his brother who was just staring at her walking away "Hyung" Hanseo called out when he heard the door opened, Hanseok looked at him with cold eyes. "she need to cool down let her be" he said walking toward the dinning table Choi Myunghee eyes met with Hanseo he forgot for a minute that she was also here, he took Deep breath and about to walked toward the same as his brother direction but he heard his brother said to him "go after her make sure she is alright" Hanseo just need that word he immediately turned around fast toward the exit.


"How long are you planning to stay here?" Kang asked walking toward the similar figures standing at the bridge railing she turned her head to look at the approaching man "It's not concern with you" she said. He chuckled "I know but I'm still a little concerned" he stopped in front of her looking at Lake in the darkness "is something happened?" he asked her taking a cigarette box out from his pocket taking one cigarette out lighting with lighter taking a puff, "I thought you don't come here anymore."
She glanced at him and replied "Maybe...something never changes", he smiled and turned his head to look at her she was looking at Lake with her poker face he smiled "I think so" She turned around and started to walk away he followed her walking next to her tossing his cigarette aside "why are you here alone?" Kiara asked him she knew he not going to let her off that easy, "I'm not alone don't worry, my mother will kill my bodyguards if they leave me" he said jokingly "By the way let me give your lift to your apartment" he offered, "no need I'm fine" she replied, "fine?" He chuckled again and said "I don't think you are" She glanced at him for a second and sighed shaking her head, "Whenever you had your poker face, I know something serious going on in your head, so just give up and let me drive you home".
Her steps stopped she looked at him and sighed again and said still with a poker expression "We are not in a relationship, you are not my friend and for business..." He blinked his eyes hearing his word "We are just professionally related and I'm not at work". "Kiara, you really are a heartless person, aren't you," his hand fisted very tightly that his knuckle got white "I already know how cruel you can be but still you are special to me." He lost his fist and looked at in the eyes "even we are not in a relationship, we are not friends but still let me stay by your side" his hand moved toward her hand she stepped back and turned around and walked away with fast steps, he was just standing in one place staring at the empty spot where she was standing just a few second ago he covered his mouth with the hand of his palm but still voice out of his laugh "finally, you changed your expression".

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now