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Kirara awoke alone, feeling a chill in the air that had nothing to do with the temperature. She looked around the room and called his name, but she was met with silence. She figured he had left the villa. Her heart sank as she thought of why he left without even saying goodbye. She quickly pushed those thoughts aside and got out of the bed, her mind still jumping from one thought to the next.

She walked towards Hanseo’s room and lightly knocked on the door, but no one answered and so after a few moments she opened the door and stepped in. Her gaze immediately settled on Hanseo, who was still asleep. She sighed as she walked over to the bed, and then she lightly shook his body and called out his name in a soft voice. Hanseok groaned and slowly opened his eyes and asked in a drowsy voice, “What?”

Kirara straightened up and said in a commanding tone, “Get up and get ready. We have work.” Hanseo blinked his eyes, still sleepy, Hanseo sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes, still looking at her in confusion. After a few moments of silence he finally spoke up hesitated . “Did Hanseok say something about me last night?"

Kirara shook her head, her heart struggling against a sudden flood of emotion that was threatening to boil over. “No,” she replied, her voice trembling slightly. “He didn’t.” She placed her hands in her pockets to disguise the shaking and walked out of the room, all the while trying to hold back her running mind. She returned to the bedroom and sighed and grabbed her phone, dialling Hanseok's number. It went straight to voicemail. She shook her head with a slight sigh and began to get ready for work.

Knowing that he had gone too far the night before, Hanseo could sense the guilt simmering under the surface. However he knew that his words were true, as shameful as that was to admit. He clambered out of bed, got ready and made his way to the door, only to find Kirara standing there waiting for him. tapping her foot impatiently against the floor. "Come on, let's go," she said, turning towards the door. Hanseo followed her, unsure of what to expect. "What do you want for breakfast? I'll order something," Kirara said as they reached the car.
"Where is Hanseok?" Hanseok asked, finally voicing what he was thinking. Kirara shrugged her shoulders as she got into the car. "I don't know," she said quietly. "He is free to go wherever he wants. He is not a child." There was a subtle bitterness in her voice as she said this, that Hanseo immediately noticed. But decided to stay quiet. After a few minutes
Hanseo glanced over to Kiara feeling a hint of curiosity about the text message she was tapping away at. He was surprised by the rage in her hand movements, watching as Kiara furiously texted Hanseok on her phone. Anxiety settled in his chest as he realized that none of her messages were being seen. She let out an exasperated sigh Without acknowledging his presence she shoved her phone angrily in her pocket and crossed her arms. He cleared his throat “Are you alright? You seem a bit tired,” he asked, a hint of worry in his eyes.

Kiara shook her head and replied, “Don’t worry, I’m good.” But Han-Seo knew better.
Whole day she tried to call Hanseok but got failed to reached him.


Hanseok was in a hurry as he pulled up in front of the hospital; his heart was pounding as he abruptly got out of his car and rushed to the entrance. As he passed the doors of the hospital, he saw Hanseo seated outside one of the rooms, looking utterly destroyed. His anguish only seemed to worsen as he saw Hanseok; as he approached Hanseo. Hanseo got up and stormed towards Hanseok, grabbing him by the collar.

"What do you think you're doing?! You know she needs care but still you left her!" Hanseo yelled angrily, something Hanseok had never heard his brother do before. Tears started pooling in Hanseo's eyes as he continued his demanding tone. "If I wasn't with her, she would have hit her head or worse! Don't you love her? Then why did you do the things that hurt her?!" Hanseok remained silent, almost listening in shock as his brother let out the overflow of emotions he had apparently been bottling up.

Hanseok held Hanseo's hand and easily freed himself from his grip. He then asked in a soft, gentle voice, "Where is she?". Hanseo looked into his brother's eyes and silently motioned him towards the room. "The doctor said she needs rest, she's sleeping right now", Hanseo said, his voice drenched in sadness.

Hanseok looked through the door glass at Kiara and sighed in relief that she was resting safely. He turned back to Hanseo with a concerned expression, "What actually happened?".

Hanseo stared at his hands for a few moments before responding, "She just suddenly lost consciousness. But I caught her before she fell. She looked tired and worried all day, but she didn't listen to when I told her to rest"

Hanseok placed his hand on Hanseo's shoulder. "I'm proud of you, Hanseo." he said warmly.

Just then the doctor arrived with a report and declared, "She is suffering from anxiety and malnutrition. If she doesn't take better care of herself, it will harm her and the baby."

The doctor cleared her throat and asked "Who is her husband?"

Hanseok stepped forward and said, "I am the husband."

The doctor frowned, evidently surprised. "I thought..." she began, before stopping herself, "Never mind."

Hanseok instinctively knew something was off. "Doctor," he said, "What did you think?"

The doctor shook her head, her expression turning solemn. "I just watched the news a few days ago, and the news channel said Mr. Jang Hanseo and Kiara were dating. So, I assumed... but news can be wrong sometimes," she said. "All I know is, when I asked Kiara who was the father of her baby, she didn't tell me anything"

After a long explanation, the doctor left, leaving the two brothers alone. Hanseok took a minute to take in what had just happened. He stepped closer to Hanseo, his face flickering with a mix of emotions. Hanseok and Hanseo stood in the hallway of the hospital in silence for a few moments. Hanseok eventually whispered, "Let's go. We should be near her when she wakes up."

Hanseo nodded solemnly.

Weakness (Jang Hanseok x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now